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Line 41: Line 41:
* '''Head''': caps, helms, coifs
* '''Head''': caps, helms, coifs
* '''Body''': mails, gi, robes, tunic
* '''Body''': mails, gi, robes, tunics
* '''Waist''': belts, girdle
* '''Waist''': belts, girdles
* '''Legs''': greaves, leggings, gi
* '''Legs''': greaves, leggings, gi
* '''Hands''': gloves, gauntlets
* '''Hands''': gloves, gauntlets

Revision as of 14:47, 27 November 2024

Weapon types

The weapon types correlate exactly with the weapon skills. The weapon types with some example weapons are:

  • Fighter class weapons
    • Longswords: longsword, broadsword, bastard sword, scimitar, falchion, claymore
    • Maces: club, flail, mace, morning star, war hammer, great maul, lucern hammer
    • Axes: cleaver, axe, hatchet, tomahawk, labrys, 2-headed axe
    • Polearms: halberd, spear, scythe, glaive, hoe, trident
  • Rogue class weapons
    • Ranged: short bow, long bow, crossbow, sling, musket
    • Shortswords: dagger, shortsword, main gauche, rondel, machete
    • Foils: rapier, kryss, epee, sabre
  • Monk class weapons
    • Unarmed: bare hands, gloves, neko-de, katar, brass knuckles
  • Necromancer class weapons
    • Hexblades: athame, kris, sickle, stiletto
  • Unclassed weapons
    • Staves: crooks, staves, gnarled staves and shillelaghs

All of the above weapon types are Melee weapons, with the exception of ranged.

When you look at a weapon in your inventory, or are buying one, the weapon type (ie the weapon skill) is displayed in the window with all the other weapon information, such as required strength, damage range, damage type, speed, etc.

Different weapons have not only different damage ranges, but also different speeds. Just because a halberd does more damage than a dagger, doesn't necessarily make it a better weapon: as the dagger is faster (this statement also does not imply the dagger is better than the halberd, it is purely an example).

Weapon damage types

Different weapons also do different damage types: ie slashing, piercing & bludgeoning damage. Some monsters are vulnerable to certain damage types.

  • Undead: vulnerable to bludgeoning damage
  • Hellspawn: vulnerable to slashing damage
  • Dragons: vulnerable to piercing damage

Also, any melee weapons (Eg. axes, shortswords, staves, hexblades...) as well as unarmed attacks can be used to bash open locked doors or chests, but watch out for traps. See Chests, Locks and Traps for more.

Unarmed-Combat Weapons

This oxymoron actually describes a class of weapons that while equipped, will increase your skill in unarmed combat. While these weapons increase the average non-critical damage per hit, your attacking speed may be slowed somewhat, and the rate of criticals will be reduced.


Armour can be equipped in the following slots:

  • Head: caps, helms, coifs
  • Body: mails, gi, robes, tunics
  • Waist: belts, girdles
  • Legs: greaves, leggings, gi
  • Hands: gloves, gauntlets
  • Feet: boots, sandals

There are 4 basic armour weights, or classes:

  • Unarmoured: cloth (or not wearing anything at all)
  • Light: padded, leather
  • Medium: ring, chain, scale
  • Heavy: splint, plate

In general, the more armour you are wearing, the higher your defence. Wearing armour is subject to strength requirements.

For unarmoured fighters (monks), they must be fully wearing nothing or armour of the unarmoured grade in order to receive attack & defence bonuses.

Armour weights and classes

Gaining defence by wearing medium or heavy armour is subject to having skill points in fighter. Light requires points in rogue or fighter.

Eg, if your highest fighter skill is say 50%, and you have 10 def worth of medium and heavy armour on, then you only gain 50% x 10 def = 5 points worth of defence. If you had 100% in a fighter skill, then you would get the full 10 points of defence from that armour. For light armour, you need 100% in either a rogue skill or a fighter skill to get the full defence from that armour.

Rings and Neckwear

Apart from being decorative, rings and neckware are often enchanted with magical effects such as nightvision, stat boosts and defence enhancements.


Sigils are semi-permanent tattoo-like runes that add 3 extra +stat slots to your character. They are Sigils of Mind, Body and Spirit. Like jewellery items, they can have +stat types like +nightvision, +Attack Strength, etc. Unlike jewelry items, they are not craftable and only come from drops/chests. Unlike equipment items, you cannot unequip them - once you apply a Sigil of that slot you cannot remove or replace it with another Sigil of that type without first using a Destroy Sigil scroll (available from your local Scribe NPC). Wands of transference can be used on them, and there are special scrolls in the addy coin shop that can remove them without destroying them.


  • Torches: useful for creating light in a dark place, torches will be automatically extinguished when you enter the daylight
  • Keys: usualy obtained for quests - used for unlocking doors.
  • Peergem: view a gem to see a birds eye view of your location.
  • Pocket watch: useful for telling the time, if you have one the current in-game time will appear in the status area.
  • Pocket knife: use on logs to carve items. Used in Woodcrafting.
  • Bonecrafting knife: use on bones and skulls to create bone items. Main tool for Bonecrafting skill.
  • Mining pick: used for mining ore. Increases Mining skill when used.
  • Fishing pole: fishing. Check Miscellaneous_Skills for details.
  • Smiths' hammer: forge weapons. Main tool for Weaponsmith skill.
  • Armourers' hammer: forge metal armour. Main tool for Armourer skill.
  • Carpenters' hammer: used in carpentry, to create wooden objects and furniture. See Woodcrafting page.
  • Smelting tongs: used for making metal components. Used in Weaponsmith and Armourer skills.
  • Woodsman's axe: chopping trees to obtain logs. Used in Woodcrafting.
  • Lockpick: picking locks on doors and chests (not all locks are pickable). Increases Security skill when used.
  • Probe: used for disarming traps. Increases Security skill when used.
  • Sextant: will inform you of your position on the current map - if you are outdoors.
  • Grappling hook (grappling hook): use to climb mountains (press k). Mountain climbing is dangerous!
  • Shovel: used for digging mounds for bones, skulls and corpses. Also used in Cartography ( see Miscellaneous_Skills page ).
  • Bucket: used in a well to obtain water. Water is used in Cooking and Farming.
  • Raft: for water travel.
  • Scissors: create cloth and leather components. Used in Tailoring skill.
  • Sewing kit: create cloth and leather items. Used in Tailoring skill.
  • Tinkers' toolkit: main tool for Tinkering skill.
  • Mortar and pestle: for making some Alchemy components.
  • Alembic: for making potions and other Alchemy products.
  • Magnifying glass: used to identify objects: requires skill in item identification
  • Skull key: used to open locked doors (key is destroyed after one use).
  • Polypile wand: put 3 items of similar type on the ground and zap them with the wand. Maybe something will happen, maybe something won't.
  • Wand of Deconstruction: decompose a craftable item into its components. Each component quantity has a chance to be reduced by 1.
  • Enchanting Wand: Main tool for Enchanting skill.
  • Disenchanting Wand: reduces an item bonus, e.g. turns a staff +4 into +3, a shield +2 into +1, etc.
  • Bullet: Ammo for slings (and muskets, in case they really exist).
  • Arrow: Ammo for bows and crossbows.


Stock up on plenty of yellow (healing) potions. Blue potions restore mana, and red potions cure poison. All potions are used via the p key, but it might be a good idea to bind them to one of the numeric hot keys. Press ALT+number when in the potion menu to bind the selected potion to the selected number key.

  • Yellow : restores health
  • Blue : restores mana
  • Red: cures poison
  • Green: poisons target
  • Brown: Increases your speed / negates 'slow' effect
  • Orange: puts the target to sleep
  • Purple: adds extra attack strength
  • Lime: +4 nightvision
  • Pink: cures disease
  • Black: invisibility
  • Cyan: blinks
  • White: transparent sight
  • Clear: bottled fountain water
  • Khaki: full rage bar


These are scrolls that any type of player can use, & which are invaluable to you surviving EUO. They are as follows:

  • Town Portal Scroll: Creates a town portal at your location which will transport you back to your chosen bind town when walked into. Useful for restocking during adventuring & allowing people to travel to you to party with. You can set your 'home town' by typing /bind in many of the towns around the land of New Sosaria. Nordhaven, Izumi, & other Townes further afield can be used as your home base . The player who creates the portal determines its life-span: it exists for a two-way trip only before disappearing; thus if you are partied, you should always go last if you created the portal!
  • Scroll of Identify: Without requiring item lore skill, these scrolls allow you to identify unknown (orange) magical items. Drop the item on the floor, (u)se the scroll in its direction.
  • Resurrection Scroll: Unless you have a high level priest with you, this is the best way to restore lost party members! Bear in mind that the freshly risen character will be very weak, and prone to returning to the grave if they are in a dangerous area!
  • Scroll of Uncurse: Obvious, really- uncurses magical items. The item has, like with the identify scroll, to be on the ground!
  • Scroll of Unweld: This is for when you either wield a cursed item by mistake, or have your items cursed (it can happen!). Using this scroll removes any cursed items from being (R)eadied- it does not, however, uncurse the item.

There are quite a few more scrolls to be aware of. See the Inscription page for more information.


When you want to learn a new spell (i.e., gain the ability to cast that spell), go to a Scribe Shoppe (the shops marked with a scroll like sign) and buy a Tome containing that spell.

To learn that spell read the tome like any other book with r, select the Tome and the spell will be learned. You only need to learn a spell once. To then see the chance of casting that spell, press z until you see the list of your known spells - success rates of all the spells you know will be listed here.

More on Magic and Spellcasting here.


Books are scattered throughout the world of EUO. For the most part they cannot be bought - however after some particular quests, there is a set volume of written articles that can be purchased as reprints from the Library. After obtaining a book, it can be read at any time by pressing r.

Here are a couple of visual examples of works that may be seen in the world.




On January 10, 2010, Egg held a forum-competition for writing literature for euo to be read in game. Many members participated. The winner was Grue, who wrote an epic tale of a "Journal of Gunter the Lost," divided into several parts. The competition had many other books and writers that were accepted, but there was only one winner.


Food can be found or bought. Food includes meat, cheese, bread and fish.


Knowledge of reagents is not necessary unless you have an interest in Alchemy. Some reagents can be bought, and some can only be found. Reagents include blood moss, sulphurous ash, black pearls, ginseng, garlic, spider's silk, mandrake and nightshade. More on reagents here.

Weapons and Armour


Melee Weapon Where Sold # of Hands Skill Weight Req. Strength Speed Damage Type Base Damage Price Resale Value
Staff Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Staves 2.0 16.8 2.3 B 1-4 100gp 10gp
Gnarled Staff Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Staves 2.0 14.0 2.3 B 1-4 150gp 15gp
Shillelagh Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Staves 2.0 16.8 1.7 B 1-3 150gp 15gp
Crook Provisioner 1 Staves 2.0 16.8 2.1 B 1-4 250gp 25gp
Brass Knuckles Weaponsmith 1 Unarmed 2.0 16.8 1.5 B 1-3 500gp 50gp
Katar Weaponsmith 1 Unarmed 2.0 16.8 1.5 P 1-3 600gp 60gp
Neko de Weaponsmith 1 Unarmed 2.0 16.8 1.5 S 1-3 700gp 70gp
Club Weaponsmith 1 Maces 2.0 16.8 1.8 B 1-5 100gp 10gp
Mace Weaponsmith 1 Maces 4.0 33.6 2.4 B 1-8 300gp 30gp
Flail Weaponsmith 1 Maces 4.0 33.6 2.3 B 2-8 350gp 35gp
Morning Star Weaponsmith 1 Maces 4.0 33.6 2.1 B 1-9 600gp 60gp
Lucern Hammer Weaponsmith 2 Maces 7.0 58.8 2.9 B 2-12 700gp 70gp
War Hammer Weaponsmith 2 Maces 6.0 50.4 2.8 B 2-14 950gp 95gp
Great Maul Weaponsmith (tba) 2 Maces 8.0 67.2 3.5 B 3-18 1,000gp 100gp
Dagger Weaponsmith 1* Short Swords 1.5 12.6 1.5 P 1-4 250gp 25gp
Main Gauche Weaponsmith 1* Short Swords 2.0 16.8 1.5 P 1-5 350gp 35gp
Short Sword Weaponsmith 1* Short Swords 3.0 25.2 2.0 S 1-6 300gp 30gp
Rondel Weaponsmith (tba) 1* Short Swords 3.0 21.0 2.0 P 1-7 800gp 80gp
Machete Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Short Swords 3.0 21.0 2.4 S 1-8 800gp 80gp
Cleaver Weaponsmith 1 Axes 1.5 10.5 1.6 S 1-4 100gp 10gp
Hatchet Weaponsmith 1 Axes 1.5 12.6 1.8 S 1-5 250gp 25gp
Tomahawk Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Axes 1.6 11.2 1.8 S 1-7 500gp 50gp
2H Axe Weaponsmith 2 Axes 6.0 50.4 2.4 S 1-11 900gp 90gp
Labrys Weaponsmith (tba) 2 Axes 6.0 42.0 2.8 S 3-12 850gp 85gp
Kryss Weaponsmith 1 Foils 3.0 25.2 1.6 P 1-6 550gp 55gp
Sabre Weaponsmith 1 Foils 3.0 25.2 1.5 P 1-6 650gp 65gp
Epee Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Foils 3.0 21.0 1.6 P 1-7 850gp 85gp
Rapier Weaponsmith 1 Foils 3.0 25.2 1.5 P 1-7 800gp 80gp
Hoe Weaponsmith 2 Polearms 2.0 16.8 2.3 S 2-10 300gp 30gp
Trident Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Polearms 2.0 14.0 2.3 P 2-10 700gp 70gp
Glaive Weaponsmith 2 Polearms 5.5 16.8 2.2 S 2-10 550gp 55gp
Spear Weaponsmith 1 Polearms 5.0 42.0 2.2 P 1-9 700gp 70gp
Scythe Weaponsmith (tba) 2 Polearms 5.0 42.0 2.4 S 3-12 800gp 80gp
Halberd Weaponsmith 2 Polearms 8.0 67.2 2.8 S 3-18 1,000gp 100gp
Long Sword Weaponsmith 1 Long Swords 4.0 33.6 2.2 S 1-8 400gp 40gp
Scimitar Weaponsmith 1 Long Swords 3.5 33.6 2.2 S 2-8 450gp 45gp
Falchion Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Long Swords 4.5 31.5 2.1 S 2-8 450gp 45gp
Bastard Sword Weaponsmith 1 Long Swords 4.5 37.8 2.4 S 1-9 500gp 50gp
Broad Sword Weaponsmith 1 Long Swords 5.5 46.2 2.1 S 1-9 600gp 60gp
Claymore Weaponsmith 2 Long Swords 6.0 50.4 3.2 S 2-16 1,000gp 100gp
Sling Weaponsmith (tba) 1 Ranged 1.7 14.3 1.8 B 1-3 100gp 10gp
Short Bow Bowyer 2 Ranged 2.0 16.8 1.5 P 1-4 200gp 20gp
Long Bow Bowyer 2 Ranged 3.0 25.2 1.9 P 1-6 400gp 40gp
Crossbow Bowyer 2 Ranged 4.0 33.6 2.6 P 2-10 600gp 60gp
Musket (*) 2 Ranged 2.0  ??? 8.0 N/A 1-8  ???  ???

A weapon with a 1* Indicates weapon can be dual wielded.

B is Bludgeoning, S is Slashing, and P is Piercing

(*) Musket technology isn't available in Sosaria, as it has yet to be invented. Some say they can somehow be obtained from the future, but alas it's just a rumour.


Item Where Sold Protected Area Weight Req. Strength Grade Defense Price Resale Value
Gi(Torso) Tailor Torso 0.5 4.2 Unarmored 0.0 70gp 7gp
Robe Tailor Torso 0.5 4.2 Unarmored 0.0 70gp 7gp
Padded Shirt Tailor Torso 1.0 8.4 Light 1.0 90gp 9gp
Leather Armour Tailor Torso 1.5 12.6 Light 1.5 180gp 18gp
Leather Tunic Tailor (tba) Torso 2.0 11.9 Light 2.0 220gp 22gp
Ringmail Armoury Torso 2.0 16.8 Medium 2.5 250gp 25gp
Scalemail Armoury Torso 3.0 25.2 Medium 3.0 400gp 40gp
Chainmail Armoury Torso 2.5 21.0 Medium 3.5 600gp 60gp
Splintmail Armoury Torso 4.0 33.6 Heavy 4.0 800gp 80gp
Platemail Armoury Torso 6.0 50.4 Heavy 5.0 1,000gp 100gp
Field Plate Armoury Torso 4.0 33.6 Heavy 6.0 2,000gp 200gp
Gi(Legs) Tailor Legs 0.5 4.2 Unarmored 0.0 15gp 1gp
Padded Leggings Tailor Legs 0.5 8.4 Light 0.5 60gp 6gp
Leather Leggings Tailor Legs 1.0 8.4 Light 1.0 100gp 10gp
Chain Leggings Armoury Legs 2.0 16.8 Medium 2.0 300gp 30gp
Greaves Armoury Legs 3.0 25.2 Heavy 3.0 450gp 45gp
Cap Tailor Head 0.5 4.2 Unarmored 0.0 35gp 3gp
Leather Helm Tailor Head 1.0 8.4 Light 1.0 70gp 7gp
Chain Coif Armoury Head 1.5 12.6 Medium 1.5 150gp 15gp
Full Helm Armoury Head 2.0 16.8 Heavy 2.0 250gp 25gp
Horned Helm Armoury Head 2.0 16.8 Heavy 2.0 280gp 28gp
Gloves Tailor Hands 0.5 4.2 Unarmored 0.0 25gp 2gp
Leather Gloves Tailor Hands 1.0 8.4 Light 1.0 45gp 4gp
Chain Gloves Armoury Hands 1.5 12.6 Medium 1.5 160gp 16gp
Gauntlets Armoury Hands 2.0 16.8 Heavy 2.0 190gp 19gp
Swamp Boots Tailor (tba) Feet 1.0 8.4 Unarmored 0.0 300gp 30gp
Sandals Tailor (tba) Feet 0.5  ? Unarmored 0.0 50gp 5gp
Padded Boots Tailor Feet 0.5 4.2 Light 0.5 70gp 7gp
Leather Boots Tailor Feet 1.0 8.4 Light 1.0 80gp 8gp
Chain Boots Armoury Feet 1.5 10.5 Medium 1.5 130gp 13gp
Plate Boots Armoury Feet 2.0 16.8 Heavy 2.0 350gp 35gp
Buckler Armoury Shield 1.0 8.4 Light Block 120gp 12gp
Small Shield Armoury Shield 1.5 12.6 Light Block 160gp 16gp
Large Shield Armoury Shield 2.0 16.8 Heavy Block 250gp 25gp
Kite Shield Armoury Shield 3.0 16.8 Heavy Block 260gp 26gp
Heater Shield Armoury Shield 2.5 21.0 Heavy Block 300gp 30gp
Tower Shield Armoury Shield 4.0 25.2 Heavy Block 400gp 40gp
Belt Tailor (tba) Waist 1.0  ? Unarmored 0.0 50gp 5gp
Girdle Armoury (tba) Waist 1.0  ? Medium 1.0 100gp 10gp
Spiked Collar Tailor (tba) Neck 0.5 3.5 Unarmored 1.0 150gp 15gp
Necklace N/A Neck 0.1 Unarmored 0.0 150gp 15gp
Amulet N/A Neck 0.1 Unarmored 0.0 150gp 15gp
Ankh N/A Neck 0.1 Unarmored 0.0 100gp 10gp
Ring N/A Finger 0.1 Unarmored 0.0 100gp 10gp

Main Page The World of Sosaria
Item Enchantments
Item Enchantments
Item Materials
Item Materials
Item Statuses
Item Statuses
New Sosaria
New Sosaria
Apoc New Sosaria
Apoc New Sosaria
Places of interest
Places of interest
Runic Alphabet
Runic Alphabet
Magic Runewords
Magic Runewords