Keyboard Controls

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Main Menu

Press F12 any time to bring up the main menu. Here you can change game options, change keybinds and read online help.


Using the mouse, left click and hold when the mouse pointer-arrow is green to move in that direction.

You can also move around using the arrow keys or numpad on your keyboard.

Melee Combat Controls

Left click on an enemy when the mouse pointer-arrow turns red to attack that enemy with your equipped melee weapon.

With the keyboard, an attack is performed by holding CTRL, then pressing the arrow key for the direction you wish to attack in.

Ranged Combat & Spell-Casting Targeting Controls

Attacking with a bow, crossbow or sling consitutes ranged combat. Ranged combat uses auto-targeting.

To attack:

  • CTRL+left click
  • press CTRL+any direction


  • have favourite bow or ranged weapon hot keyed (while melee weapon equipped), and press the F key, to fire your unequipped bow. Pressing the F key when a non-ranged weapon equipped will auto-switch and fire your lowest-key^ bound ranged weapon, then switch it back.

^if you get the "no ranged weapon" message change your hotkey!

To see crosshair:

  • y or TAB

To change targets:

  • middle click on new target

To LOCK the crosshair on a target:

  • ALT+y

To change targeting types:

  • SHIFT+y cycles from Evil Targets(yellow), All-Targets(white), Good Targets(blue), Party Targets(green)
  • monsters that are attacking you have a red box, to help tanks. This can be toggled via the options menu (F12).

Improved targeting for healers:

(don't forget you can choose to use a thicker crosshair via the F12 menu)

  • targeted party member name is in green in stats box
  • changed good aligned crosshair to blue
  • target locking - ALT+y to lock your crosshair on one target (lock it on the tank!)
  • shouldn't lose target when some party member stands on top of your target
  • a locked target (or any party target) can be a little further away than 4 squares before they become untargeted

(you can't hit the next target button and pick up anyone including party member that is beyond 4 squares though - but once they are targeted they can move between 4-7 squares and stay targeted, and if locked, can go out of range and back into 7 square range and be instantly targeted again.)

Binding Spells and Items to hot keys

For fast and easy use of items and spells you may bind them to almost any key on the keyboard.

  • To bind items, during use, view, wear, etc, press ALT+key to bind the currently selected item to that key. Then during play, pressing a key with a bind will use the bound item or spell.
  • Spells (and special abilities) can be bound to the number and function keys: press Shift+C, then use the arrow keys to highlight the spell you want to bind, then hit the F-key you want to bind to, followed by ESC. You can also bind spells by pressing shift-F-key or shift-number key. Spells can be bound to keys also with alt+key within the select spell menu.

Spellcasting and Combat

  • binding a spell to F1 will let you cast it with SHIFT+left mouse button, or with SHIFT+arrow key
  • binding a spell to F2 will let you cast it with ALT+left mouse button, or with ALT+arrow key
  • binding a spell to F3 will let you cast it with CTRL+SHIFT+left mouse button, or with CTRL+SHIFT+arrow key
  • binding a spell to F4 will let you cast it with SHIFT+ALT+left mouse button, or with SHIFT+ALT+arrow key
  • binding a spell to F5 will let you cast it with CTRL+ALT+left mouse button, or with CTRL+ALT+arrow key
  • binding a spell to F6 will let you cast it with CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+left mouse button, or with CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+arrow key
  • binding a spell to F7 will let you cast it with the right mouse button (if you have right click get/look/etc disabled)
  • binding a spell to F8 will let you cast it with CTRL+right mouse button

A good mage technique might be to bind Greater Harm to F8 and Lightning to F7, then cast Lightning at range with right mouse button, and Greater Harm with CTRL+right mouse button when the enemies get close.

Fast directional use of items

  • binding a item to F1 will let you use it with SHIFT+left mouse button, or with SHIFT+arrow key
  • binding a item to F2 will let you use it with ALT+left mouse button, or with ALT+arrow key
  • binding a item to F3 will let you use it with CTRL+SHIFT+left mouse button, or with CTRL+SHIFT+arrow key
  • binding a item to F4 will let you use it with SHIFT+ALT+left mouse button, or with SHIFT+ALT+arrow key
  • binding a item to F5 will let you use it with CTRL+ALT+right mouse button, or with CTRL+ALT+arrow key
  • binding a item to F6 will let you use it with CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+left mouse button, or with CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+arrow key
  • binding a item to F7 will let you use it with the right mouse button (if you have right click get/use/etc disabled)
  • binding a item to F8 will let you use it with CTRL+right mouse button

Eg, you may like to bind a mining pick to F7, then right click on mountains to prospect for ore.

More Mouse

  • move around with left click
  • left click on signs to read them
  • midddle click on creature to target it

the following only work when Right Click to get/look/etc is enabled via the F12 options menu:

  • right click on items to pick them up, or shift right click to pick up a whole pile
  • right click on NPCs to talk
  • right click on terrain and everything else to look
  • alt-right click on items to try and activate them (best example is Fountain)

Keyboard command list

For best results, TURN NUM-LOCK OFF if you plan on using the keypad!

Key Command
? (shift /) show a brief help screen. Press ? again to see the full list of controls
arrow keys, numeric keypad move
ctrl+arrow keys / keypad attack with melee weapon or bare hands
shift+arrow keys / keypad fast cast spell/ability or use item bound to F1
alt+arrow keys / keypad fast cast spell/ability or use item bound to F2
shift+ctrl+arrow keys / keypad fast cast spell/ability or use item bound to F3
shift+alt+arrow keys / keypad fast cast spell/ability or use item bound to F4
ctrl+alt+arrow keys / keypad fast cast spell/ability or use item bound to F5
shift+ctrl+alt+arrow keys / keypad fast cast spell/ability or use item bound to F6
ctrl+dir attack targeted creature with ranged weapon
tab and shift+tab cycle ranged targets
a drink from a fountain, activate a switch, board a ship or harvest plants
b buy item(s) (must be near merchant) or withdraw items from bank or chest - or get a res from a healer
shift+b sell item(s) or deposit into bank, chest or merchant
c cast spell (using runic name for spell-e.g. AN for cure poison)
shift+c cast spell/ability from list
d select an item (or items) to drop
alt+d select an item (or items) to drop from your inventory, with heaviest items listed at the top
e eat (select from menu)
shift+e (+dir) offer food to a creature
f fire your (first hotkey-bound) ranged weapon, or ships cannons when piloting a ship
g (+dir) get item (will bring up a list if more than one item)
shift+g get all items within reach
ctrl+g (+dir) get one item from top of pile
h attempt to hide
i ignite a torch
shift+i extinguish light source
l (+dir) look at something
m show map
n meditate
p select a potion to drink
shift+p select a potion to use in a direction
r read a scroll, book, tome, map
s (+dir) search and open
shift+s open without searching
t (+dir) talk to an NPC
ctrl+t reply to the last person who sent you a private message
u use an item in inventory
shift+u use a item in inventory in direction
v view and sort inventory - use shift+up/down or shift+mousewheel
shift+v lets you sort your banker with shift+up/down or shift+mousewheel
w ready armour and weapons
shift+w equip any item from your inventory
x x-it raft, mount or ship
y toggle target crosshairs (default is on)
shift+y cycle target type
alt+y target lock
z and shift+z cycles through stats and character info
ctrl+z toggle minimap zoom
= set price on an item on your player merchant (buy from him first)
space enter a towne or dungeon, or climb a ladder
enter send a local message (only players within a small radius will hear you) - use /g msg, /p msg & /me msg for global, party and emote messages
shift+enter global chat (shortcut for /g)
/ begin a 'slash' command
\ party chat (shortcut for /p)
| (shift+\ on most us keyboards) emote (shortcut for /me)
pgup, pgdn scroll through past messages
end reset message screen to last message
insert when chatting, press insert to scroll back through the things you have previously said
pgup when chatting, press pgup to scroll forward through the things you have previously said
home, end when typing a message, send cursor to beginning or end of line
del, pgdn when typing a message, move cursor left and right
0-9 use bound item (bind by pressing ctrl + 0-9 when viewing, readying or using items)
F1-F8 cast a prebound fast spell
shift F1-F8 bind a spell to F1-F8 for fast casting (must type runic name for spell-e.g. AN for cure poison)
alt F1 resurrect
alt F2 level up (PD only)
alt F3 toggles rage/mana bar on/off
alt F4 fast quit
alt F5 reload auxbox / client scripts / lua
F9 use the last used item in the last used direction (see skills)
shift-F9 continue using the last item used
F10 cast last spell cast
F11 make last item
shift+F11 continue creating items
F12 main menu
ctrl+F12 toggle fullscreen / windowed modes

Binding items to Hotkeys

When in the view, use, ready or similar screens, you can press alt+key to bind an item to that key.

Remapping Keys

Hit F12 to bring up the main menus, and you can remap many action keys from there.

Slash Commands

There is an extended list of Slash Commands here.

Buying, selling and transferring items

While banking, buying, selling or transferring to your player merchant ...

  • press space or enter to transfer/buy/sell 1 unit
  • press shift-space or shift-enter to transfer/buy/sell 10 units
  • press TAB to transfer/sell all units

The exceptions to these are gold & ammo; ammo (and bullets) has a base unit of 100, so pressing shift-space when buying/transferring ammo will move 1000 units. Gold has a base unit of 1000. When moving gold, shift-space will move 10000.

Filtering item lists

When viewing, dropping, banking, or anything that uses the scrolling item list, press one of the following keys to filter to subsets of items:

w: weapons
W: wearables
s: shields
p: potions
u: usables
j: jewellry
f: food
A or v: show everything
U: unidentified
h: hats/head slot
t: torso slot
b: boots slot
l: legs slot
g: gloves
r: rings
n: neck
S: scrolls and tomes 
B: belts
c: cards 

You can also search for items. Press / and type part of the name of an item to search for it in the list (press esc to exit)


  • to show all your vamp items type /vamp
  • to show all your dex items type /dex

The match works on the item's full name - not the list name. Eg some long names in the list are shortened (eg BR is blackrock) - type blackrock, not BR.

Main Page [Collapse] General Information
Required Reading
Quickstart Guide
Quickstart Guide
Character Creation
Character Creation
Quests & NPCs
Quests & NPCs
Resurrection Sickness
Res Sickness
Slash Commands
Slash Commands
Client Commands
Client Commands
Alternative Servers
Server List
Server List
Intro to PD
Intro to PD
PD Tips
PD Tips
PD Remort
PD Remort
Intro to NG
Intro to NG
NG Stats
NG Stats
NG Class Ideas
NG Class Ideas
EUO Launcher
EUO Launcher