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Mage Introduction

Mages are powerhouses of damage dealing, but with the typical characteristics of having low HP and defenses they tend to prefer staying in the background, preferably behind a very strong fighter or priest.

However, a powerful mage is not all about their damage output - they also have a wide repertoire of utility spells that will guide them well in their adventuring and dungeon crawling.

Mage equipment

The Mage's Staff

The serious mage will never leave home without his or her staff (ie: a crook, a shillelagh, or a staff). The advantages of having a staff equipped are:

  • decreased spell cool downs
  • less mana used per spell
  • staff materials affect spell damages, see Item_Materials for their effects.
  • staves of slaying (ie Staff of attack + 1, etc) give increased damage to offensive spells
  • increased mana regeneration rate (including during meditation)

A spellcaster's staff can be improved or modified with Enchanting, Druid transfer enchantment spell, or Socketing with special gems.

Socketing staffs

Mage spell casters who equip a socketed staff and then use the polymorph spell have the following effects.

Socketing Effects Ruby Sapphire Diamond Onyx Emerald
Dragon polymorph colour Red Blue White Black Green
Plain gem +20% resistance to fire +20% resistance to lightning +20% resistance to regular magic^ +25% resistance to vamp attacks immunity to hex
Polished gem** +20% damage to fire spells +20% damage to lightning spells +20% damage to regular magic +50% hp gained by vamp spells +100% INH initial damage

^spells that don't have an aspect such as fire, cold, electricity, etc.

    • upgrading to a polished gem gives you both effects of the plain gem and the polished gem

To socket a staff, the mage needs to have a socketing wand or an improved socketing wand, and the corresponding quality gem. While gems can not typically be removed from a staff once socketed, cursed wands cause an embedded gem to shatter.


While spellcasting is the mage's preferred method of operation, but in desperate cases the mage may have to use their staff as a melee weapon against magically resistant targets.

  • Damage type: Bludgeon
  • Stat Dependent Damage Optimisation: 50% strength/50% dexterity
  • Default Special Move: MR Cleave

Armour & Equipment

Mages benefit from wearing unarmoured equipment such as robes or monk gi, and have increased spell cooldowns when wearing light, medium and heavy armour.

Mages also benefit from wearing equipment with vigour enchantments, which increases mana regeneration during meditation.


The Magery skill utility spells, ranging from light to summon daemon giving the mage a wide selection of tools at their disposal.

circle spell name runic incantation description
1 small light IL Create a small lightsource
2 locate IW Display position within current map as co-ordinates
minor summon KBX Summon a spider
3 unlock EP Unlocks a door or chest
reveal AQ Reveals invisible and hidden creatures
soul trap IMJ Soul trap (see Enchanting)
4 greater light VL Create a large light source
speed EU Temporarily increase your dexterity (30% of your Int - max is 100 Dex)
recall KOP Recall (teleport to the place where you last cast the Mark spell)
invisibility SL Short term invisibility
5 mark KPY Mark (to be teleported to at a later time with the Recall spell)
paralyse AEP Paralyze opponent
blink IP Blink (teleport in a straight line in any direction)
summon KX Summon creature (the strength of which increases with your intelligence)
lighter load VEU Increases carrying capacity up to 300
6 charm AXE Charm creature
confuse QAW Create mass confusion among enemies
7 greater invisibility VSL Longer lasting invisibility
clone KXQ Clone creature
greater soul trap VIMJ Area effect soul trap
8 polymorph VYR Polymorph self into a dragon
summon dragon KVX Summon a dragon (the color of which depends on your intelligence)
summon daemon KXC Summon a daemon


Fire balls, magic missiles and chain lightning - the arsenal of a Mage is vast and deadly.

circle spell name runic incantation description
1 minor harm AM Basic adjacent attack
2 magic missile GP Basic ranged magic attack
3 greater harm VAM Improved adjacent attack
4 hex XJ Polymorph other into a rat
poison wind INH Cone of poison
5 lightning OG Lightning attack on single target
earthquake IVPY Earthquake (AOE ground attack)
vampyric bite XMP Vampyric attack, regains HP
6 fireball VF Powerful ranged attack
sleep wind IZH Cone of sleep
7 chain lightning VOG Lightning attack on multiple targets
mana burn IJO Damages spell using enemies mana
8 kill XC Very powerful ranged attack
flame wind IFH Cone of fire

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