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Fighter Introduction

Fighters are the front line melee combatants of EUO, and can gain expertise in the widest range of weapon skills. They also typically have higher hp, higher defense and higher damage resistance than other classes in EUO.

Instead of casting spells with mana, they use Rage to fuel weapon specific abilities. Rage is gained through dealing and receiving damage in combat.

Fighters also utilize fighter only stances, such as Berserker Stance or Tanking Stance which provide passive benefits such as reducing damage received or increasing damage dealt with a corresponding cost.

The optimal stat ratio for fighters is 9:1 Strength:Dexterity, unless they use they use the Agile Stance in which case it is 75:25 Strength:Dexterity.

There are also non-class specific abilities such as Taunt and Battle Roar which are commonly used by fighters in their as front line combatants.

Fighters can use ranged weapons without having expertise in them, but are unable to access ranged weapon specials unless they learn the ranged skill which is in the Rogue class.

Fighter Weapon Skills

To become a lethal fighting machine, a fighter must first develop weapon skills. The higher the weapon skill, the higher the attack strength will be when a weapon of that type is wielded and the more damage it will inflict. More importantly, when a fighter attains a certain level of proficiency with each weapon skills, he or she may also execute the deadly special attack of that weapon skill.

There are four fighter-based weapon types:


  • Damage Type: Slashing
  • Stat Dependent Damage Optimisation: 90% str / 10% dex
  • Default special move : Cleave
  • Other usable special moves: Flurry, Thunderclap


  • Damage Type: Slashing
  • Stat Dependent Damage Optimisation: 90% str / 10% dex
  • Default special move: Flurry
  • Other usable special moves: Cleave, Bloodbolt
  • Claymores are a special long sword that can hit the adjacent target AND the one behind it.


  • Damage Type: Bludgeoning
  • Stat Dependent Damage Optimisation: 90% str / 10% dex
  • Default special move: Thunderclap
  • Other usable special moves: Flurry, Bloodbolt


  • Damage Type: Slashing (except Spears, which have damage type Piercing)
  • Stat Dependent Damage Optimisation: 90% str / 10% dex
  • Default special move: Bloodbolt
  • Other usable special moves: Cleave, Thunderclap
  • Halberds are a special pole arm that can hit a target two squares away if there is nothing in between the player and the opponent. I.e Halberds they can hit opponents 2 tiles away.

For further details on special rage attacks, refer to: Combat Abilities

It should also be noted that apart from the default standard stance, a fighter, when wielding any two-handed fighter-class weapon, is able to adopt the Berserker Stance, and when wielding any fighter-class weapon, is able to adopt the Tanking Stance. For more details on stances, refer to: Combat Abilities

And for a complete list of the various weapons available as well as their respective weapon types, refer to: Weapon Types

Tactics Skill

The tactics skill gives a fighter an additional boost to Attack Strength and reduces damage taken by up to 25%, +7 AS and +2 Def. The tactics skill is raised by attacking with any fighter weapon.

Block Skill

With a shield readied, a character will automatically attempt to block hits that are taken in the direction he or she is facing. The chance to successfully block an attack is based on the fighter's block skill as well as the type of shield used. The block skill also allows one to take a little less damage from magic-based attacks.

The block skill also allows a fighter to execute a Shieldbash.

All Armour Types

Fighters can reap the full benefits of all 4 grades of armour: unarmed, light, medium and heavy. Essentially, gaining defence from light, medium or heavy armour is subject to having skill points in fighter. Specifically, if your highest fighter skill is X%, then you will only gain X% of the total defence afforded by light, medium or heavy armour.

So for example, if your highest fighter skill is 50%, and you are wearing 10 defense worth of light, medium or heavy armour, then you would only gain 10 * 50% = 5 defense.

And for a complete list of the various armour available as well as their respective armour types, refer to: Armour Types

Light and Medium Armour Movement Penalties

Fighters do not suffer movement penalties for wearing light or medium armour.

For a complete list of the various light and medium armour available, refer to: Armour Types.

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