From EUO Manual
(Redirected from Shrine of Sacrifice)
Shrines and Levelling Up
There are 8 shrines in New Sosaria, one for each virtue, as well as 3 shrines in Maeondir. Their primary use is to level up your character (on the regular server) and to cure resurrection sickness.
When you have amassed a certain amount of experience, you will receive a blue "You feel experienced" message which means that you feel ready to advance and should meditate at a shrine. Enter a shrine, stand next to the flame and meditate. Depending on which shrine you go to to meditate, you will receive a different reward. These are:
The New Sosaria Shrines:
Compassion: Dexterity +6 Valor: Strength +6 Honesty: Intelligence +6 Sacrifice: Strength +3, Dexterity +3 Justice: Dexterity +3, Intelligence +3 Honor: Intelligence +3, Strength +3 Spirituality: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +2, Strength +2 Humility: Nothing
The Maeondir Shrines:
Sagicity: Mana +24 Vitality: HP +16 Versitality: Class Skill Cap +5
Shrine Maps
Below is the map for the 7 main shrines in New Sosaria. For the 3 shrines in Maeondir, click here.
Shrine Descriptions
Shrine of Valor
- Location: New Sosaria 13' 16"
- Level Boost: Strength+6
Shrine of Compassion
- Location: New Sosaria 87' 90"
- Level Boost: Dexterity+6
Shrine of Honesty
- Location: New Sosaria 136' 10"
- Level Boost: Intelligence+6
Shrine of Honor
- Location: New Sosaria 87' 7"
- Level Boost: Intelligence+3, Strength+3
Shrine of Humility
- Location: New Sosaria 199' 85"
- Stat Boost: No Stat Boost
- Special: Meditating here will decrease your criminal time at an increased rate.
Shrine of Justice
- Location: New Sosaria 15' 91"
- Level Boost: Dexterity+3, Intelligence+3
Shrine of Sacrifice
- Location: New Sosaria 195' 34"
- Level Boost: Dexterity+3, Strength+3
Shrine of Spirituality
- Location: Enter your own town portal at midnight
- Level Boost: Dexterity+2, Intelligence+2, Strength+2
Shrine of Vitality
- Location: Maeondir 65' 38"
- Level Boost: HP+16
Shrine of Sagacity
- Location: Maeondir 3' 45"
- Level Boost: Mana+24
Shrine of Versatility
- Location: Maeondir 26' 92"
- Level Boost: Class Skill Cap +5