From EUO Manual
There are a several clans in EUO and all have various requirements. Being in a clan is purely optional.
Advantages to being a member of a clan:
- clan chat feature (using "/c <text>") used for fun and easy talk between friends in your clan.
- excellent clan hall
- shared clan loot
- your own private stash
[hide]Joining an existing clan
- get invited (only leaders and officers can /claninvite you)
- type /join
Creating a clan
- You must not already be in a clan. You need 2 friends (3 players total) to make the clan, or the clan will not save.
- The would-be leader types /makeclan <clan-tag> eg: /makeclan SPAM
- The would-be leader then invites other players to join with /claninvite
- The first two members (after the leader) become Officers (rank 2)
- When the clan has 3 members (including the leader) it then saves to disk and it's ratified - there is no time limit on this yet, but if the server crashes/reboots the fledgling clan will not be saved!
- The clan tag does not show up anywhere until the clan is ratified! Clan chat will work however.
- When the server loads/reboots, if a clan has less than 3 members it will be dissolved.
- The leader can set the full clan name with the new command /setclanname - this can be done at any time and by any existing clan. The clan tag cannot be changed though.
About Member Rankings
There are 5 ranks for clan members. 1 is the highest ranked, ie the leader, 5 is the new member.
The clan leader, as well as a Clan Officer with rank 2, can set a member's rank with /setrank name 1-5 (eg /setrank egg 4). The default rank for new members is 5.
Here are the things that the ranks can do within their clan:
- 1: Leader: rename tag, rename clan, move and remove chests, as well as everything below
- 2: Officer: can invite and expel members and create chests, set ranks of members
- 3: NOT USED/PLACEHOLDER - but it will probably be used for editing halls
- 4: can use chests - this is your standard clan member
- 5: can get into the hall only - this is the initiate
Other clan leader actions
- Clan leaders can use /dissolveclan to disband the clan, which can not be undone.
- Clan leaders can use /expelmember playername to remove any unwanted members.
- Clan leaders can use /abdicate playername to give the leadership to another player.
- Clan leaders can place chests in the clan hall using container scrolls. If a clan chest is named a player's name surrounded by [ ] then that chest can only have items removed by that player, e.g. [eggmceye].
- Clan leaders can set members ranks with /setrank. (eg. /setrank Destroyer 3)
- Clan leaders can change and move containers via commands /movecontainer (x,y coordinates) and /chestname (select name)
Leaving a clan
Simply type /leaveclan
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