Artifacts are items with a distinct name instead of just a description. Unlike normal items with only one enchantment (eg + 5 AS, +3 NV, +15 vigour etc), artifacts are weapons, armor and jewellery that have two or three enchantments. They can also have attributes that are not available otherwise, like +blindness or +asphyxiation. This makes them highly sought after. Artifacts can be divided into two categories:
- "mini-artifacts" that can be bought from npc merchants or crafted by GM crafters,
- "true" or regular artifacts that are only very rarely found from treasure chests and boss drops and cannot be crafted.
Both types of artifacts show up in yellow font or text in your inventory, but only "true artifacts" have a blue glowing outline that is visible when placed on the ground or when equipped as a weapon.
Craftable mini-artifacts
These can be made by the GM crafter of various skills such as Armourer, Tailoring, and Bonecrafting. For example, the Grandmaster Armourer can make Snakefang Grips, the Grandmaster Tailor can make Infernal Handwraps, and the Grandmaster Bonecrafter can make Sash of the Dead. Some craftable mini-artifacts are required as ingredients for Mythic Item Crafting, such as the Enigmatic Bauble made by GM Tinkers.
Name | Crafting Skill | Description |
Philosopher's Stone | Alchemy | Gold rune, +8 vigour, +health |
Rod of Power | Enchanting | Gold rod, +3 Def, +health |
Infernal Handwraps | Tailoring | Plain gloves, +5 AS, +2 MR, +VF |
Enigmatic Bauble | Tinkering | Copper orb, +4 NV, +health |
Snakefang Grips | Armourer | Venomous chain gloves, +10 Str, +10 Dex, +3 Def |
Rubied Skull | Bonecrafting | Bone skull, +5 vigour, +1 MR |
Sash of the Dead | Bonecrafting | Bone belt, +10 Int, +8 vigour, +2 MR |
Skull of Gold and Glue | Bonecrafting | Gold skull, +3 MR, +health |
Silver, Glass and Crystal coin shop mini-artifacts
These mini-artifacts are designed for new characters with low level requirements. Silver coin mini-artifacts have 0 level requirement. Glass mini-artifacts have a level requirement of 25. Glass coin mini-artifacts can then by upgraded by spending crystal coins, which also increases their level requirement to 50 and then to level 75. Glass and crystal coins can be gotten from completing quests from guards or from the daily Scavenger Hunt games.
For example: The Wizard set comes in cap, robes, gloves, slacks and slippers with the prefix Apprentice, Adept and Savant for each tier. Each tier adds an incremental increase in the stats each equipment piece provides.
Wizard set | Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 |
Name | Apprentice Robes | Adept Robes | Savant Robes |
Level Required | Level 25 | Level 50 | Level 75 |
Attributes |
Cost to purchase/upgrade |
Regular artifacts
These are truly rare items that cannot be crafted or bought from special coin shop, instead they are only found rarely as loot from treasure chests or boss drops. Blessed, crystal, blood or radioactive treasure maps also have a very high to guaranteed rate of acquiring artifacts.
Deconstructing a regular artifact produces mythical material used in Enchanting and Mythic Item Crafting.
Some regular artifact armour items come in sets, which give additional buffs when the complete set is equipped. These are the only ones so far:
- Estorrath's unarmoured wizard set: +10% magic damage
- Ironfist unarmoured gi set: +10% AS
- Nightstalker light armour set: +100 dodge
- Frenzy medium armour set: +10% damage
- Shardcrystal heavy armour set: +10% damage reduction
Regular artifacts are not unique, for (almost) each equipment and weapon type there is an artifact associated with it that can drop with the same name and attributes. For example, Magebane is always a +7 AS scimitar with +IJO, Grim Reaper is always a +7 AS scythe with +KXC (summon daemon), Nightstalker artifacts are always light armour with the same attributes, etc.
Randomly generated artifacts
Random generated artifacts are based of regular artifacts as a template, but with a unique randomly generated name and an additional random attribute. For example, a Superior Shield is a large shield artifact with +4 def and +5 MR. A random generated artifact based of Superior Shield would be a large shield with +4 def, +5 MR and a third attribute like +15 str, or +2 def (making it +6 def, +5 MR), or +health, or even rarer attribute like +sun protection.
Random generated artifacts can be deconstructed to produce mythic material just like regular artifacts, but have a lighter blue glow compared to regular artifacts. They are 2-3x rarer than regular artifacts.
The level requirement for regular and random generated artifacts ranges from level 70 to level 125.