Scavenger Hunt

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In Nordhaven there are several daily repeatable quests with different levels of difficulty. They are basically scavenger hunt mini-games for newbies and novice players, with more advanced scavenger hunts options for higher level players.

The rewards are glass coins and crystal coins which can be spent on special items such as Blueprints in the Cash Shop.

Scavenger Hunt

There are two tiers of difficulty, low and high, which give out 3 glass and 3 crystal coins respectively.

The low list scavenger hunt requires small amounts of random items that you can either buy from npc merchants or acquire from hunting monsters, such as tools, potions, monster parts, food.

The high list scavenger hunt requires small amounts of crafting components such as log of attack + X, ingot of defense + Y, leather of Stat + Z, etc. They are acquired from deconstructing enchanted weapon and armor drops using a wand of deconstruction. The enchanted items can be found from hunting bosses or be crafted via the Enchanting skill.

Bulk Orders

This is basically a reward for leveling up Crafting_and_Gathering skills, as there are ten different order requirements for ten different crafting and gathering skills, needing large quantities of different craftable items to complete.

Statue Hunt

The Statue Hunt mini-game just has one tier of difficulty and requires using a wand of petrification to be used on the monster to create the statue you turn in for a reward of 3 crystal coins. This is one of the more expensive to complete mini-games as wand of petrification are rare drops and cannot be crafted.

Daily Boss

There are 3 tiers of difficulty for this kill-a-boss mini-game: Low, Medium and High boss targets with rewards of 1, 2, 3 crystal coins respectively.

  • Low boss targets are typically: low level humanoids such as ettins, goblins, low level undead such as ghosts, etc
  • Medium boss targets are typically: higher level humanoids such as minotaurs, underworld beasts such as mothra, etc
  • High boss targets are typically: dragons, high level undead such as liches and ancient vampires, etc

Tips & Tricks