Slash Commands
- /w
- /who
Displays who is on
- /msg playername
Send a private message to a player. Use the TAB key to reply to someone who has sent a private message to you.
- /bind
Use this inside a town to bind to it. Binding allows one to resurrect and Town-portal into towns other than Nordhaven (the starting town). Most of the major towns are bindable, keep your eyes open for the small circle of stones.
- /pvp
Enables you to partake in player vs player combat. Once you elect to enter PvP, there is no going back. PvP is off for new players. Only turn it on once you are ready to be slaughtered everytime you leave Nordhaven!
- /g message
Send a global message
- /p message
Send a party message
- /c message
Send a clan message
- /t message
Send a message in the trade channel
- /me action
Emote locally
- /global on/off
/global on /global off
- /global - Displays your current global setting (on or off)
Enable/disable your reception of global chat messages: on by default
- /trade on/off
/trade on /trade off
- /trade - Displays your current trade setting (on or off)
Enable/disable your reception of trade chat messages: on by default
- /aq
List active quests
- /cq
List completed quests
For more information on parties, click here
- /invite playername
Invite player into party, creating one if necessary. The invited player will then have to type /accept to join your party.
- /accept
Accept and invitation and join a party
- /leave
Leave the party you were in
- /list
Show who is in your party
- /remove playername
Remove a player from your party
Player Merchant Related
See Player Merchants for more details.
- /merchname newname
Change your merchant's name to 'newname'. Must be standing next to your merchant. Also changes the name of a mimic container placeable in a player house. See Player Housing.
- /withdraw
Get the money that your merchant has collected. Must be standing next to your merchant.
- /merchremove
Delete your merchant. Must be standing next to your merchant.
- /listskills
Lists the skill names to use with the commands /trimskill & /limitskill
- /trimskill skillname newvalue
Sets a skill to a new value: must be lower than current value of course. Eg:
/trimskill longswords 50
will set your longswords to 50. Trimming skills is irrevokable, so do it with caution!
- /limitskill skillname limit
Will cap a skill until revoked.
/limitskill maces 25
will cap your maces skill to 25. You can revoke the limit by setting it to 100 ...
/limitskill maces 100
On the No Grind server, stats increase through use, so some slash commands have been introduced to help you shape the stats of your character.
- /limitstat
Shows the current limits for all three stats. A limit of 0 (zero) means there is no limit and the stat will keep growing up to the overall stat total limit.
- /limitstat statname newvalue
Sets a limit on the stat to a new value. The statnames you can provide are str (strength) dex (dexterity) and int (intelligence). Setting a limit of 0 (zero) removes the limit. e.g.
/limitstat dex 100
Will limit your dexterity to 100. When you use a dex boosting skill, it will slowly rise to 100 and then go no further.
Note: if your stat is above the newly set limit, it will be reduced to the limit after you use a skill that boosts the stat. More on NG Stats here.
- /makeclan clantag - make a new clan - see Clans for more info
- /join - use this to join a clan once you have been sent an invitation
- /leaveclan - leave your clan
- /wc - like /w but only lists online clan members
- /listclanmembers - shows all the members of the clan
Leader only commands
- /claninvite name - invite someone to join the clan
- /setclanname new full clan name - change the full name of a clan
- /expelmember name - remove someone from the clan
- /makekey - see Clans for more info
- /abdicate name - the clan leader uses this command to quit being clan leader and the nominated player becomes the new leader
- /dissolveclan - deletes the clan - can't be undone!
- /petname newname
rename pet
- /transferpet newownername
give pet to new player-owner (DISABLED)