From EUO Manual
Revision as of 22:10, 12 December 2006 by Eggmceye (Talk | contribs) (Troubleshooting)

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The patcher is doing nothing - it just hangs!

Get this replacement patcher, unzip it into your EUO directory and run it by hand (ie by double clicking on it). Then try connecting again.

Note: neither patcher works well with proxies at the moment.

I can't leave Nordhaven, I keep getting reset

This means your continent map is out of date and the in-game patcher is not working. Quit EUO, go to your EUO installation directory (probably c:\euo) and run PatchMe.exe, then try again.

I can't see at night time or in dungeons. All I get is a black screen!

There are 2 possible solutions to this: try these in order:

  • change your desktop colour depth to either 16 or 32 bpp: 24 bit has reportedly caused this problem
  • Your CPU doesn't support MMX instrcuctions

Quit the game, then try putting the following line in client.cfg:


EUO spits out some weird graphics related error at start up

Try changing desktop display depth - 32 is ideal, then try 16 or 24 bpp.

How do I play on the permadeth server?

Read this: Introduction to PD

How do I connect to a different server, eg the PD server?

The main server that the EUO shard runs on is euo.swut.net and the port is 26667.

To change the server:port value, edit client.cfg, so it looks something like this:


Alternatively, download the EUO Launcher. Bear in mind that PD and NG servers run a different build of EUO than regular. Please read the Alpha Installation page for more info on connecting to these servers.

I've forgotten what characters I've made? How can I find out what they are?

Click here


Can I play fullscreen?

Yes, press F12 once the game is loaded.

Can I turn the music off?

Yes - press M (shift m)

How do I bind spells to the F keys?

Spells can be bound to F1 to F8 - press shift and the Fkey to bind a spell to that key.

How do I bind items to the number keys?

When viewing, using or readying, press a key from 1 to 0 to bind the currently selected item to that key.

Misc Play Questions

How much can I carry?

Your maximum load is proportional to your strength, and differs from server to server. Your maximum load is on your stats display.

How do I level up?

This depends on the server ...

  • Regular : travel to a shrine and meditate near the flame. The shrine you meditate at will determine your stat gain. More on Shrines here.
  • PD new/NG : There are no player levels on the NG server.
  • PD with levels : press @ then press s, d, or i to select how you want to distribute your new stat points.

I missed some message or text!

Press the page up and page down keys to scroll through old messages.

I'm doing a kill quest, and the target is neutral aligned

Either just attack the target or talk to it!

I forgot my password - can you tell me what it is?

Click here to recover your password.

Where did my player merchant go?

Merchants need to be well stocked with Merchant Tokens or otherwise they will be deleted - please see Player Merchants.

My longswords (or insert other skill here) won't go over 50 - I have only 25 dex ...

Longswords require 50 dex to get 100 in skill.

My woodcarving won't go over 25 - is there a stat requirement on it?

No. You can only train woodcarving to 25 by chopping trees alone. To get it above 25, carve things with a pocket knife or buy training. (is this out of date info?)

How long will I be a criminal for?

30 mins per kill: you must sit out this time in game - the crim timer isn't counted down when you're not logged on. You can also meditate at the Humility Shrine to reduce your crim time more quickly.

My pet is hurt. How do I heal it?

You have three options: cast XM or VXM, use a bandage, use a yellow or clear pot (shift-p) or don't move and wait for your pet to regenerate. Note that the amount of hit points healed when a bandage is used depends on your bandaging skill.

Where do I get the highest circle spells?

Try doing the mage quests. Also, some spells are dropped by higher level monsters. However, the drops are quite rare so you may have to kill many.


If/when will you add feature XYZ?

When I get around to and/or feel like it. The likelyhood of something getting worked on goes by this forumla:

Importance of the feature x My enthusiasm in the feature

              difficulty of the feature

How about mouse ops?

Almost a flat no, mainly as it would take a lot of work to implement.

How about large maps, ala Ultima 5's 512x512? or U4's 256x256 tiles?

Probably not, due to poor early EUO design. Tho the continent is currently around 300x100 tiles.

How about a single level map, ala Ultima 6?

No - EUO is (intentionally!) based off U5, not U6. This feature also implies large maps - see above.

What about a player-trade screen?


What about a sortable inventory - or even bags?

Maybe one day - don't hold your breath.

What about player housing?

Houses are generally for sale for RL money : details here.

Can I get the map editor?

The map editor is available for download on the downloads page.

If I make a map, will you use it?

If it's good, yes - and you'll be credited for it. Don't make maps expecting a free avatar or anything like that though.

Can I get the server?


Can I be a mod or a GM?

No chance.