Updates in 2011
From EUO Manual
Revision as of 09:55, 8 April 2020 by Eggmceye (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "===21 Dec=== * added heroic pendragon instance * new /perks command to list your perks * if a clan chest is named a players name surrounded by [ ] then that chest can only hav...")
21 Dec
- added heroic pendragon instance
- new /perks command to list your perks
- if a clan chest is named a players name surrounded by [ ] then that chest can only have items removed by that player - eg [eggmceye] (see screenshot)
- eating a garlic inflicts damage on a player vamp
- added /sign command: set the text on the sign near your house - you must be facing the sign in order for it to work!
- fixed monk aspect not checking if weapon equipped
- vamps mutually exclusive with lycan
- fixed vamps not getting res sickness immunity
- vampires (both player and mob) immune to XMP
- player undead (ie skeletuns) immune to XMP
- added prices to skeleton avs above heads
- deleted free longswords respec npc
- tanking status text shorter to be less intrusive
- added /chestname, works the same as /merchname (as a matter of convenience)
- fixed weekly pd < lvl 30 thing not working
15 Dec
- fixed undead perk not sticking for vamps
- fixed buff bug
- fixed graveyard not being dark
- sunlight changed to dmg 3% per sec (33 sec till death)
- non pvp rules do not apply to self - fixes non pvp vamps being safe from Mani damage
14 Dec
- player vamps on alpha - see thread
- sieze pvp hamstrung 4sec
- weekly req 3x lvl 30 chars at end in order for winner to be declared
- bro's keep pvp disabled (so it no longer resets you to your bound level)
- monster vamps no longer heal when attacking undead
- xm / xvm hurt vampires
- 'The Graveyard' map is now bindable & dark for player vampires
12 Dec
- players can have resitsances
- skeletun tweaks: +50% weakness to fire, MR +20% bonus, don't get hungry
- skeletuns live on all servs
11 Dec
- fixed igoring typo
- fixed fishing+when dead bug
- when treasure (from cartog) is placed all items in that spot are first removed, so it can't get placed under something that isn't yours
- made small shield light, so it shouldn't drop as steel any more
- seize works on neutral, hamstrings players 2 sec
- cannot curse flags
- valley of trolls is fully non blinkable again
- roar no longer works on neutral
- shields now work with fast equip bind keys
- random caves hopefully should no longer have braziers or fountains that completely block pathways, time will tell though
10 Dec
- GM crafting max cooloff 2 sec
- if run out of ingreds or any crafting error cooloff is reset and repeat making cancelled if it was engaged
- can now shoot with ctrl+any direction
- fixed stuck on book screen when disconnected and reconnecting
9 Dec
- fixed mage av 0x351 weapons not showing
- added gnarled staff to craft list (so it can be deconstructed), should also help with bumping woodcrafting skill (it's placed between bucket and raft)
- can now consistantly deconstruct all cursed & blessed items
- silvengard tower weapon bosses drops should now decay and be owned
- white stone must be in inventory in order to be activated
- fixed chests+merchants /sort command
- fixed copper weapons not showing speed decrease in stats
- fixed intro music not playing when going back to intro screen
- fixed bug with music volume when starting game
- fixed enchanted weapons, artys, leeching weapons showing incorrect damage in stats screen
7 Dec
- ships 10x rarer
- fixed trap door bug on some maps requireing client restart due to lock up
- fixed ancient vamp av hands not moving, and nightmare pixel (thx mort) (run the patcher by hand)
- Greene's lens quest now removes the lens upon completion
- ench carrots will cure blindness before improving nightvision (but not both at same time)
- renamed Orcasaurus mob to Orcosaurus to be consistant
- fixed treasure map getting negative y co-ord
- changed trident to piecing
- fixed bodwin pilage typo
- ye old shopppe no longer pvp enabled
- can no longer id pseudo items (such as ore spawners)
- can now drop items when flying
16 Nov
- fixed fer-grue not accepting dwarven beer
- fixed ice dragon mob/av not flipping
- fixed using a wand of pet constitution on a pet thats already been zapped returns a message reffering to the wand as a taming wand instead of the new name.
6 Sep
- added Evandale trailer park map
- new GoD hall
1 Sep
- removed all existing housing from NG & PD (it was never meant to be there)
- housing via GP is now available on PD (min lvl 75)
- saving maps now saves empty item files
- GP housing also available in Dulwich on NG & PD
- added music + 32x tileset into the installer
24-25 Aug
- player can enable / disable a lock on their house using /setlock
- house deed! buy a 8x8 plot of land for 50k gp - one house per account, min lvl req!
- Marrickville gp housing estate (reg, NG only)
- you can use house deed in Chester Hill on NG too
- scrapped dropped ships limit on all servs, meaning they can drop while hunting
29 Apr
- fixed trident to be piercing
- fixed morning star uses flail vis weapon overlay
25 Apr
- estorrath's Ripley pet
- added New Sosarian Cooking Adventures book to Estorrath's hut
- added text to Estorrath's Manuscript
- updated Estorrath's journal text
21 Feb
- fixed crash in moagl
- completed borderless fullscreen window and maximise toggle
- fixed billboarded names and health bars but rotated view names are still positioned incorrectly
- finished brewing, ie crafting malt, wort then using wort+yeast to make a beer keg in your home, fermenting, bottling etc
- added hops crop to farming (for beer)
- added barley to farming (for beer)
- young tomato & pepper plants now have distinct names and codes
- when look at plant/crop it tells you whether watered or not
18 Feb
- some changes made to estorrath & fort grunthos to bring into line with 'New Sosarian Cooking Adventures'
- added sofa maptiles
15 Feb
- started brewing beer
14 Feb
- removed hooks under BM rafts so loot can drop on them
- fixed rivers end conv typo
- flyng over a trap door no longer triggers it (still triggers traps however)
- added bottom row of pixels to fire and ice drags
- chged Garry to Gary in I Golem pt 1
- fixed estorrath anomaly quest typo
- fixed thieves' guild quest typo
- fixed bakyre life guard sign typo
- fixed dawn typo
- fixed mountain pass perserve typo
- found and hopefuly fixed random map blink dead spot bug
13 Feb
- renamed water demon to water daemon
- removed lightning res from fire daemon
- fixed theive's guild quest typo in dialog
- fixed "copper statue" inaccuracy in quest dialog
- fixed 'you see a spices'
7 Feb
- moagl fullscreen borderless windowed, f12 needs fixing
- mucked around with perspective for long distance 3d mode to emulate 2d top view
- billboarding sprites always
23-25 Jan
- sortable containers, player merchs and banks
18 Jan
- fixed all equips not removing apsect of the turtle
10 Jan
- fixed hot key equip not removing tank stance, etc