Talk:Advanced Crafting

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Revision as of 18:29, 28 March 2010 by Eggmceye (Talk | contribs)

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can goldhide, silverhide, darkhide leather be used? if so let me know and i'll add those to the list under leather ...

if you can source the materials --Eggmceye 11:04, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

what do you mean by "source the materials" ? you mean if you can get them? i know of no way to make gold/silver/dark hide material, but i've seen gold/silver/dark hide items ... i don't know if they can be deconstructed though ... also its very weird that non-magical swamp boots can be deconstructed whilst magical ones can't be ... XD

Goldhide, darkhide and silverhide can't be crafted from raw materials but you can deconstruct existing goldhide, darkhide and silverhide items to get raw ingredients to craft with. Not sure the exact reason why enchanted swamp boots cant be deconstructed but i think it has to do with the fact that you cant craft tinted swamp boots. For some reason crafting swamp boots is different in the crafting table than other types of boots. -- Rusty

Swamp boots are not tintable when crafting, therefore you cannot deconstruct tinted swamp boots --Eggmceye 07:29, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Goldhide, darkhide, and silverhide can be deconstructed and remade into craftable items. Cannot deconstruct magical swampboots or tinted swampboots. Cannot construct magical or tinted swampboots. Oddity is that leather is considered light armour usually and yet is a UA item. This could be why tinted swampboots say "weave" instead of "hide." ie. goldweave swampboots. Suggestion to crafting would be to use tinted thread on leather (simplest) or apply recipe for making dark,silver,gold to leather. Unsure about venomous, vampiric cloth/leather being crafted into armour. -- Keighn