Character Creation

From EUO Manual
Revision as of 03:37, 17 August 2005 by MrCadbury (Talk | contribs) (Stats)

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Player creation is absolutely simple but there are a few details to bear in mind. This page will detail a few of the basic points.

Creating Your Player Character

To create your player character, load up EUO and select Create New Character. This will take you to the Create New Character page.

  • Account Name
    • To play EUO, you must first create an account. The account holds the details of what characters you are and so accounts are limited to 1 PER PERSON. The same account works for all servers (Reg, NoGrind and PermaDeath), so there is no need to have more than one account. Once you have created your account, enter your account name here.
  • Password
    • This is where you enter your account password.
  • Character Name
    • This is where you enter your character's name. Few points to bear in mind: anything deemed an offensive name will more than likely result in your account being banned. Also, names are unique, subject to a maximum length and must comprise of English letters.
  • Gender
    • This is where you select your sex. In EUO, gender only selects what voice you hear when you experience pain. There are no advantages or disadvantages when selecting either sex.
  • Skills
    • You can select either fighter, rogue, or mage here. These have a bearing on the stats you have to begin with as well as what starting equipment you recieve. These are as follows:
      • Fighter - Receives 30 strength, 25 dexterity and 25 intelligence. Starting equipment is a cleaver and ringmail.
      • Rogue - Receives 25 strength, 30 dexterity and 25 intelligence. Starting equipment is a short bow and leather armour.
      • Mage - Receives 25 strength, 25 dexterity and 30 intelligence. Starting equipment is a staff as well as In Lor (Invoke Light), Mani (Heal), An Mani (Damage) and An Nox (Negate Poison) spell scrolls.
    • All characters, regardless of class, start with a few potions, 100gp and some torches.
  • Enter The World Of EUO
    • Once you have decided you are happy with your character, select this to enter EUO proper and begin your quest for fame and fortune!


Every player has three primary stats to contend with. These are Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence. Each of these stats has a significant bearing on the game and how powerful you are.

  • Strength
    • Strength affects how many Hit Points (HP) you have as well as how much equipment and items you can carry. Having a lot of strength also affects the damage you deal to monsters and players when using strength-based weaponry.
  • Dexterity
    • Dexterity affects how quickly you can move as well as how quickly you can attack wirh your weapon (taking into consideration the weapon's speed). Having a lot of dexterity can also affect your defence depending on the type of armour worn as well as affecting damage to monsters and players when using dexterity-based weaponry.
  • Intelligence
    • Intelligence affects how much Mana you have to use for spells as well as determining your magic resistance. Certain spells also increase in effectiveness when the user has a high intelligence.

As well as these primary stats, there are a few other stats to bear in mind.

  • HP
    • Hit Points determine the amount of damage you can take before you eventually klck the bucket. Naturally, once your Hit Points equals zero, you're dead. On the regular server, you can resurrect yourself by pressing shift + 1 which instantly resurrects you in the town that you are bound to but this also induces resurrection sickness which can only be cured by meditating at a shrine. On the permanent death servers, death costs you a resurrection stone. Once you run out of these resurrection stones, you are permanently dead and your character is deleted. PermaDeath servers are not for the faint-hearted!
  • Mana
    • Mana is used when spells are cast. When you have no Mana, you cannot cast spells. Mana can be restored by meditating or drinking a blue potion.
  • Attack Strength
    • Attack Strength is how effective you are in combat. The higher it is, the more kick-ass you are. There will be more on Attack Strength when the combat part of the manual is up.
  • Defense
    • Defense determines how hard you are to hit. The higher it is, the harder you are to hit. Influenced by dexterity and the type of armour you are wearing on regular, also influenced by your skill in the armour type in NoGrind and PermaDeath servers.
  • Magic Resistance
    • This is essentially defense against magic. The higher it is, the less damage you take against certain spells (there are a few exceptions where Magic Resistance has no effect). Influenced primarily by intelligence as well as if you have any magic-resistant armour or equipment equipped.
  • Status
    • Shows you what effects or ailments are affecting you. Some are beneficial, others are not.
      • P: POISONED - cast An Nox or a red potion to cure yourself.
      • Z: ASLEEP - caused by In Zu Hur and orange potions.
      • B: BLIND - Can't remember what causes blindness! HELP! - MrCadbury
      • C: CHARMED - Don't ever recall this happening to me, what does it do? - MrCadbury
      • H: HELD - caused by An Ex Por and certain monsters. Paralyses you.
      • ?: CONFUSED - caused by taking a strong blow to the head or by Quas An Wis.
      • I: INVISIBLE - cast Sanct Lor, Vas Sanct Lor or black potion to become invisible.
      • p: POLYMORPHED - cast Vas Ylem Rel to polymorph yourself.
      • M: MEDITATING - regenerates health and mana depending on skill.
      • D: DISEASED - caused by eating too many tasty corpses. Fun if you are some sick bugger.
      • F: FLOATING - shows that you are on a raft.
      • X: HEXED - caused by Xen Jux and certain monsters. Turns you into a rat.
      • @: HALLUCINATING - caused by drinking a cursed potion or fountain.
      • h: HIDING - shows that you are using the stealth skill.
      • c: CRIMINAL - shows that you've been a naughty boy or girl. 30 minutes of criminal status for every non-criminal player killed as well as 5 minutes (?) for every person contaminated with the plague by you. Criminal time can be reduced by meditating at the Shrine Of Humility,
      • v: PEERING - shows that you are using a peergem or crystal ball to show your location.
      • b: BAD BREATH - shows that you have halitosis. Caused by eating eggs and drinking fountains.
      • !: CHOKING - caused by eating cursed foodstuffs. Perform the Heimlich Manoeuver to cure choking by attacking the affected person when unarmed.
      • z: ZOMBIE - Is this in the game? - MrCadbury
      • L: LYCANTHROPY - Shows that you are affected by lycanthropy and will turn into a werewolf at every full moon.
      • W: WEREWOLF FORM - Shows that you have transformed into a werewolf.
      • V: CLEAVED - Shows that you've been hit by a Cleave attack. Reduces defense for a certain period of time (?).
      • x: X-RAY VISION - Shows that you have x-ray vision after drinking a white potion.
      • s: SPEED/DEX BOOST - Shows that you are speedy after drinking a purple potion.
  • Gold
    • How much cash you have on you. Useful in free market-based societies for the exchange of goods and services.
  • Load
    • Presented in a 'xx/yy' format, xx is how much you are carrying, yy is how much you can carry.

Shrines and Levelling

When you have amassed a certain amount of experience, you will recieve a message that you feel ready to advance and should meditate at a shrine. Depending on what shrine you go to, you will recieve different boosts to your stats. These are:

  • Compassion - Dexterity + 6
  • Valor - Strength + 6
  • Honesty - Intelligence + 6
  • Sacrifice - Strength + 3 Dexterity + 3
  • Justice - Dexterity + 3 Intelligence + 3
  • Honor - Intelligence + 3 Strength + 3
  • Spirituality - Dexterity + 2 Intelligence + 2 Strength + 2
  • Humility - nothing

For a map of where the shrines are located, please look in your game files for the "MAP-Shrines" file.