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===Grunthos II===
===Grunthos II===
Fort Grunthos II is occupied and administrated by a small but slightly intimidating posse of bloodkin. Unsure whether they are related to the crimson eldar.  
Fort Grunthos II is occupied and administrated by a small but slightly intimidating posse of bloodkin. Unsure whether they are related to the crimson eldar. They are Mayor Glorm, Aenara, Rodusk, the Torturer.
===Mayor Glorm===
as well as Aenara, Rodusk, the Torturer
This is the underground dwarven fortress as it (mostly) was meant to be: not overrun by orcs, goblins, giants, demons and minotaurs.

Revision as of 13:37, 19 December 2024

This page should be called 'the Incomplete History of New Sosaria'.

Contains spoilers, useless info, plot, things past, present and future, unwritten quests and vague characters.

How New Sosaria Came to Be

Already explained in flowery english here: History of New Sosaria.

In the canon (ie OSI) version of events, Mondain's gem was shattered and destroyed. Each shard of the gem created an alternate picture of Sosaria with its own history and future. New Sosaria that we know in EUO is one of these shards. Its timeline co-exists with the canon history - it could be considered an alternate history or even a parallel universe.

So with the destruction of the gem came the creation of New Sosaria's own timeline, landscape, populace and version of events. The more time passes, the more the emerging history of New Sosaria diverges from the story chronicled in Ultima I-V and beyond.


The 3 digit number number is a year. 000 represents the creation of New Sosaria. (each RL day is 1 month EUO. There are 30 euo years in 1 RL year. Some of these timeline dates correlate directly with events in the creation of EUO)

  • With the destruction of the shard of immortality in the Canon-universe, the EUO-verse is created with it's own timeline
  • Lord Eggleton arrives through a moongate, befriends Oenishi, becomes benevolent ruler, proclaims himself lord
  • Lord Eggleton defeats Mondain, possibly with help from a 'stranger'
  • Kurzmord'ar, the last refuge of the dwarves, is invaded by giants, orcs, and minotaurs, and the dwarves are made nearly extinct
  • Tanelorne discovered to the east and New Sosaria as we know it is charted for the first time
  • Lord Eggleton decrees that there isn't enough 'virtue' and the shrines are created
  • Patrick, Estorrath, Byron and Golwid part ways. Golwid assumes control of Kurzmord'ar (or some of it). Patrick moves to Bakyre (with his fortune). Byron and Estorrath move to Tanelorne.
  • A shrine for the Codex is erected in the far Southeast of New Sosaria on an island, but Lord Eggleton does not yet raise the Codex.
  • The Runic alphabet of Old Sosaria is dropped in favour of the English alphabet.
  • Lord Eggleton is summoned away again and is yet to return.
  • The lich Xile gets imprisioned in his own underground fortress.
  • Kaswel Keep and the New Sosaria Library are completed. Nestor made head librarian.
  • Council of wizards, as led by Estorrath, disbanded
  • 004: Lord Broden's Keep is built.
  • 009: Patrick elected Mayor of Bakyre.
  • 030: Byron assumes control of Tanelorne, making himself a lord.
  • 071: The 8 shrines to virtue are finally completed.
  • 085?: Nordhaven Lighthouse completed and is quickly over run.
  • 085?: Izumi Adventurers Guild hall becomes haunted.

People & places by geography

New Sosaria & Tanelorne

Broden's Keep

Lord Broden

Broden is a NPC/player that is lord of Sosaria West. Complemented by Byron, lord of Tanelorne (the east of New Sosaria).

Cammerata Keep

Lord Byron

Lord of Tanelorne. Wife has died recently and until he gets his bronze statue of her, he remains sad. Has 3 advisors working for him: Oenishi the rogue, Virgil the Mage and Greyson the fighter. Used to run with Patrick, Estorrath and Golwid the minotaur king under Kurzmord'ar.

Fort Grunthos

Named after the architect who designed the keep, Fort Grunthos was Lord Eggleton's last place of residence before his disappearance. Since then, the place has been overrun by a monstrous horde led by the ettin warlord Lugnuts.

Lord Eggleton

Benevolant ruler or something; currently MIA in the canon-shard on a mission to rescue Lord British from the underworld. Rumour has it that he forgot the sandalwood box, and won't be coming back to New Sosaria any time soon.

The two main leaders of the realm of New Sosaria, Lord Broden of the west and Lord Byron of the east, seem to have trouble remembering the specifics of Lord Eggleton as well. Contrary to the popular theory that Lords Broden and Byron receiving their royal appointments by Lord Eggleton as he stepped through some magical moongate never to be seen again, it appears to me much more likely that these Lords and their families have ruled the lands of New Sosaria in their castle and keep for generations.

From The Myth of Lord Eggleton by Soandso of Soandso


He was over eight feet tall and was very, very muscular. In fact, he was built like a brick shithouse and by the look of him, he could most definitely snap a 900 year old wizard in two; assuming he could get close enough, which of course would never happen. He was also very dashing. His left head looked like Errol Flynn (complete with pencil line moustache) and his right head looked like Cary Grant. He wore blackrock chain leggings, a white silk puffy shirt and over the top of that a blackrock chain dinner jacket. The whole outfit looked kind of like an armoured medieval tuxedo. Lugnuts effortlessly carried a huge polished sphere of marble, which probably weighed a ton, under one arm.

As Narrated by Estorrath of Longhaven from New Sosarian Cooking Adventures

The Library

Nestor, Drumheller: see #Great Council of Wizards


Rutger (the dean)
Fukyama & Derinda: just a couple of passing scholars.


Farimond Castle

Lord & Lady Farimond

Next through the portal came a stately man and woman. He had flowing blond hair and a strangely manicured moustache, while she carried a pink umbrella.

As Narrated by Estorrath of Longhaven from New Sosarian Cooking Adventures

“Those rotten Farimonds! They hunt my alligators and chop down the peaceful treants and disturb closed dungeons. They dare to collect taxes from my own citizens and routinely send raiding parties south to interrupt my finely balanced schedule. I hate them and I wish they would leave.” - Brownthorne

Castle Brownthorne

Lord Brownthorne

Ruler of the south of Maeondir, in constant friction with the Farimonds up north. Has an undead army and is hostile to visitors. Married to an undead lord.

Apocalyptic New Sosaria

Grunthos II

Fort Grunthos II is occupied and administrated by a small but slightly intimidating posse of bloodkin. Unsure whether they are related to the crimson eldar. They are Mayor Glorm, Aenara, Rodusk, the Torturer.


This is the underground dwarven fortress as it (mostly) was meant to be: not overrun by orcs, goblins, giants, demons and minotaurs.




In New Sosaria, humans have established themselves as the predominant race, wielding significant political and social influence across the realm. From powerful lords to ancient wizards, humans' success stems from a remarkable combination of traits: humans are quick to learn, diverse, adaptable, innovative, and pioneering.


The dwarves are stout, drunken, hardy, good natured, crafty humanoids of around 4 feet in stature. Driven from their home of Kurzmord'ar the dwarves of New Sosaria are scattered to the winds. Rumour has it that in the parallel plane of Apocalyptic New Sosaria, dwarves continue to thrive in that particular instance of Kurzmord'ar.

The book Chronicles of Kurzmord'ar details an episode of the invasion of the old dwarven capital.


Gnomes, closely related to dwarves yet distinctly their own race, are shorter and more slender than their robust cousins, preferring to make their homes among the verdant forests and gentle hills rather than deep underground. Their smaller stature belies a remarkable intelligence and exceptional dexterity, allowing them to excel at tricky tasks that require both mental acuity and precise physical manipulation.


Half-orcs are the result of the unhappy marriage between orcs and humans. A half-orc child is often viewed with shame from the human side of its family. Shunned and often ridiculed, half-orc children usually grow up on the fringes of human society, or cast out altogether to be raised by feral orcs and wild cyclopses. However, it is not uncommon that some lucky half-orc will benefit from guidance from a monk, a mentor or a priest and go on to live a somewhat decent life.


Part brute, part something else, half-trolls emerged from the dark, twisted underbelly of some sort of interspecies madness, probably at a time when the gods weren't paying attention. While it's more likely that the individual half-troll is actually just the ungodly product of a troll female having kidnapped a human male, supposedly humans and trolls occasionally get married, and have legitimate kiddos, blessed by a high priestess of Tazingo and everything.


Not actually a part of the shadow line of monsters, Shadowfolk are the distant descendants of an ancient line of drow elves who were forced from their homelands and made their way to New Sosaria. The details of their emigration are sketchy but it is rumoured that at one point they made use of a double phase anomaly to help facilitate their escape. They never became fully established however, at least on the surface, as evidenced by their lack of villages or even encampments. Today, they exist as a largely nomadic and seemingly ephemeral people, who boast no towns or cities; they mysteriously emerge and disappear from the darkness.


Once upon a time in Apocalyptic New Sosaria, which of course wasn't always apocalyptic, a bunch of Eldar (an extinct race of elves) druids summoned a meteor that crashed into the bloodmoss infested swamp known as the Bloody Plains. What life on that continent (ie future Apoc New Sosaria) that didn’t get obliterated became tainted forever by the lingering, irradiated red mist that was dispersed widely. The impact was so terrible the land became barren, apocalyptic even, and the Eldar became crimson skinned, indeed the colour of bloodmoss, and so became known as the bloodkin of Apocalyptic New Sosaria. Many other creatures became crimson skinned and extremely aggressive and dangerous, such as once harmless Apocapheorean drake.

In the meantime Cruor, the God of Blood created the blood lords (along with their mages & warriors) who managed to wrangle all of the now bloodmoss-tainted ie bloodscourged dragons, drakes & hydras into their sphere of control, except of course the so called bloodkin, for being descendant from Eldar they were too clever by half and pure of heart to be corrupted further by any stupid crimson god of blood, or whatever.


It's said that the Draconians are the descendants of humans and dragons polymorphed as men.

Main hangouts: Matriarch's Domain, Town of Lost Souls


Steadfast, thrill seeking adventurers in life, Skeletuns long to continue where they left off after death found them and ripped the flesh from their bodies.

Skeletuns defy the laws of the afterlife, tearing themselves from death's grip in order to return to the world of New Sosaria where they can begin their adventure anew. They'll die when the adventure dies, which is never.


Orcs & Goblins

Ettins, ogres and cyclopses









Although the Sliver of Hatred has been sealed away, the shadowlords are slowly trying to regain the victory they almost won. Although not really manifest yet (in that they can be defeated and temporarily banished by mortals) they are slowly regaining strength.

None are really named - tho the strongest is known as 'Dark Lord' found in Deja vu. Faulinei is referenced via an artifact sword and some dialog, but not actually found anywhere.

Others can be found in Lunacy, City of Shadows, the Monastery, Dead Forest, Sagittarius, the Lion's Maw, the Town of Lost Souls.



Great Council of Wizards

While the council no longer exists there were 8 members, 7 of which can be found around New Sosaria and beyond.


Once the leader of the great council of wizards. Has a rivalry with Nestor of the library. Parts of his later life are well documented in his autobiography New Sosarian Cooking Adventures. His favourite ex girlfriend is the lich Drumheller.

Henolazir aka Old Henry

Estorrath's older brother, likes fishing and isn't as silly as he seems. Another great wizard that was, he knows the cure for lycanthropy.


Resides now in Maeondir


Byron's advisor, mage, once on the council of wizards.


Found in Buccaneer's Den, insane


Made herself a lich, works at the Library, ex-girlfriend of Estorrath.


Whereabouts unknown.

Nestor the Librarian

Nestor is in charge of the recovery of lost books, but he is probably also chief librarian. Among other things, he orders the 'recovery' of Estorrath's Journal (for reasons unknown), which contains nothing but recipes for 'dropped pie'.



... I arrived at Foveaux’s room, which was rather well appointed when compared to the rest of the dungeon in which his chambers were situated. His room had a couple of large mahogany desks, with various articles laid out carefully, some book shelves with interesting reading materials, luxurious carpets at the entry to his abode and an urn on a small table. As opposed to the rest of the dungeon, which was mouldy and dank, his room was dry and well ventilated, and it even had an air of sophistication. Upon entering, the vampire was sitting at his desk writing. He called out for me to enter and looked up from his work. He was rather dashing and very polite. He sat me down and as we chatted I wondered as to how this creature was so bad after all and why indeed it was that he had pl aced upon him the sentence of death.

as narrated by Bethany, from New Sosarian Cooking Adventures.


Bloodkin leader of the Preserver Clan, a somewhat neutral coven of vampires.


Bloodkin leader of the Dark Blood, the evil coven of vampires. They are only interested in conquering and feeding.


Kumar, Lizard King

Religion & Spirituality


Shrines to virtue

Shrines in New Sosaria

Shrines in Maeondir

Shrines in Apocalyptic New Sosaria

Athran Monastery

St Athra

Archmage Braniis

Archbishop Braniis tilted his head a little to the side and smiled so piously and smugly that I could have punched him on the nose. Now I am not a man prone to violence, but there is nothing in this world more offensive to me than a snooty priest.

As Narrated by Estorrath of Longhaven from New Sosarian Cooking Adventures

Brother Vivin

He was pasty and gullible and carried his holy libram close to his chest like a safety blanket.

As Narrated by Estorrath of Longhaven from New Sosarian Cooking Adventures

Ironfist Clan


Cults & Sects


Temple of the Seers

Temple to the Sky Gods

Other shrines & altars

there are tons of mini shrines in maps: altar shrines, anvil shrines, piles of rocks ...