Updates in 2015
From EUO Manual
Latest updates
changes made to all servs during weekly revamp
- wolfform cooldown capped to 60sec, plus the cooldown time rises much slower
- considering allowing flying in dungeons
- fixed bug when talk to npc and if you are quick you can activate read, buy, view etc and the statbox gets stuck
- you can search barrels for food (on weekly can search other tiles for much more)
- XMP by monsters only 1/2 heals them the dmg dealt
- QAW by monsters now actually works
- tweaked mob's use of IZH, freezing wind sprays
- blessed ID all scrolls now reveal curses
- can sell anything (over 10gp?) back to merchants for 1/10th of its buy cost
- weekly revamp
15-16 Nov
- started weekly revamp
- added item dungeon rune to teleport you to any dungeon start lvl (only useful for weekly)
14 Nov 1.3.25
- fixed a prob with the map maybe causing lag for some
- party network improvements
- added a missing message when cast+dir and bound cast+dir
10 Nov
- added spell/item hotbar to client for the fkey binds (you can turn it off)
- showing item tile when accessing any item list
9 Nov
- bloodbolt now scales to caster strength (was flat dmg)
6 Nov 1.3.23
- added a cheesy sound for when a spell fails (due to low skill), I might replace it, and if you don't like it delete spellfail.wav
- if AMT fails due to temp immunity you get a message
5 Nov
- tactics bumps intelligence (NG)
4 Nov
- armoury character page skills sheet now sorted into class and nonclass skill columns and always show the % val whether it's your char or not
- added built in DPS meter to stat panel
- cooking bumps Dex on NG
- fixed stat bumps on NG not bumping when skill% was <2
2 Nov
- re-enabled dual account logging so you can transfer pets (but can't dual log same char) - PLEASE inform me of any probs, or even terrible cheeses (which is why it was disabled previously)
- completed new cash shoppe item: 'skill scrolls' - lets you transfer a skill from one alt to another! does require a house to transfer the scroll however.
- optional client setting: Spell queueing: you may cast one Bound spell (must be bound) while your last spell is cooling off, and it will be cast ASAP after your cooloff is done. Makes for easy spell rotations. You will have to turn it on but new players have it on by default. Only one spell can be queued.
30 Oct Moa 1.3.22
- when a mob thunderclaps a player, confusion time=6 sec
- finished apocalyptic Mountain Pass
29 Oct
- expanded particle engine: now featuring better sprays for ICH, ICE, INH, IFH & IZH
- white stone can now be used in a direction to place the portal exactly where you want it
- fixed brown stone's portal position placement randomness
- armoury now shows heads and hybrids
- armoury now shows intrinsic tints on artifacts (eg Faulinei Felblade)
27 Oct
- tinted muskets now drop in Road Warrior Town
- OG enchant weapons are now OG4 : shoots a lightning bolt in a direction that doesn't stop at the target you just hit
25 Oct
- added 1's map Uncharted North to Apoc New Sos (thank you 1!)
- MAPED: fixed recurse fill such that it doesn't max out too early
23 Oct (upld Ex Client)
- fixed bombthrowers not being hamstrung when siezed
- invisibility spells no longer unsummon your clones/summons
- cloning improvements (for cloning modern mobs such as pineapple chucker)
- fixed IR not drawing hybrids and large creatures properly, also draws tinted and glowing mobs properly in IR
- digging unhides / makes you visible
- healing with bandages improved such that will heal at up to 8% of your dmg per sec OR 20 hp per sec, whatever is higher (for 100% in healing, scaled down for lower skill)
- when you have tile sharing conflict with a mob due to lag, instead of the 'bounce the mob forever' bug, it will bounce randomly and you get the message 'you shove the xxx out of your way'
22 Oct
- silver serpents & crackling mice now never run away from battle
- armoury will show server boss / xp rate increases for the appropriate weekends
- fixed AI probs with the guards in kurnigsberg, etc - also no longer flying
- now drawing party members on the map as green dots
- map now draws rivers correctly
16 Oct (14, Upld)
- can now craft / deconstruct gloves of attack
- changed ingred req to make gloves from 1 cloth to 2 (to help with decon)
- changed ingred req to make leather gloves from 1 to 2
- put blindness from trap down to 30 sec
- glass armour reflecting & shield bash will no longer inflict any weapon effects you might have (eg toxic, vf ench etc)
- made ladders in random caves (and phase anomolies) more accessible by having a clear 3x3 space around them
15 Oct
- pet ai tweaks: better leash radius, less bouncy, won't range attack when guarding and out of range of leash
- added pet command 'leash' to set how far your pet can move away from you in guard mode only. Default is 2 squares. usage: 'leash 3' will set it to 3 squares. Use just 'leash' to see how long it is. hint: 3 works well with a ranged character+pet attack spell. (WoW hunter?)
- new pet command 'spells' - use it to choose whether i) a pet only casts spells ii) pet only fights physically or iii) both, which is default behaviour - note that this does not affect ai of a pet without spells !
- improved ai for a pet with just a healing xm spell : you can put it on spells mode and it will sit back and heal you. Also will heal you when not in combat.
- put price of strip pet spell down to 99, and convert to pet tome to 999
14 Oct
- changed the old formula for skill bumps such that it's not so brutally slow for 90->100 %, and allround a tiny bit faster
- taming 2x faster on NG
- added bottle to tinker list (2 raw glass, 65%)
13 Oct (1.3.21)
- added 4x bone staffs to bonecrafting
- added log wall & log wall with window map tiles that you can craft with your pocketknife (woodcrafting)
12 Oct (104)
- disabled non-pvp ship's captain from hurting pvp target player on shore
- fixed arrows now showing when someone shoots at you and you dodge, block or parry
- fixed dual wield 2nd attack not firing when the first was dodged, blocked or parried
- when a chest spawns on top of existing (abandonded?) items their ownership is reset
- phase beasts now always spawn as non-ranged attackers
- tweaked spawners around the 4 mino chiefs in DF
- fixed mythic vigour not showing in your stats
- fixed mystic & astral offhands not giving the NV & Vig
- maped: fixed old tiles underneath not being deleted when map cropped/resized down
- maped: fixed tiles underneath not showing after resize
- fixed spawners such they no longer spawn near players ! (the code used to check to see if a player was near a spawner, but the spawner can have a massive radius, so a pointless check)
- blue stone quest: deleted Nestor's sub quest requirement, replaced with a daily in Kingswood (see Aarin)
- euo repeatable quests now have a 1 IRL day cooloff (only applies to Aarin sofar)
- added bone carved skull to bonecrafting
- added Rubied Skull to bonecrafting, an offhand bone skull with +1Mr, +5vig
- added rudimentary flaming items with no actual use yet
11 Oct (88)
- added spell description text to all of the non-mage spells available in the uni
- battle roar cooldown increased to 1.5s
- added rudimentary particle system: added player bleeding / wounded effect
- enemies that are wounded or AMT show the bleeding effect too
- when diseased you have black flies buzzing around you (self only atm)
- attacking cancels repeat cast (including attacking with magic!)
- fixed crafting tinted int/dex/str items not having a higher min % requirement (and thus bumping you to a higher skill)
- poisoned weapons do 1% dmg per second vs mobs (was 1 dmg)
10 Oct (80)
- fixed NPC quest indicator for stirling not immediately showing up after you complete Harold's
- for delivery quest, moved the ? indicator from the quest giver to quest target
- changed Enigmatic Bauble to copper, +4 NV
- changed Rod of Power from As+3 to Def+3
- improved text alignment when rebinding keys
- deleted upgrade wand MR 4->5 and vig 14->15 from enchanting
- added new item 'shield spikes' that you can use on an untinted shield to make it spiked
- armourer can start making shield spikes at 55%
- when doing a shield bash with spiked shield (spiked is a mat) target will take damage or chance to suffer wounded/bleeding status for 3 sec
- trainers show ability / spell descriptions when known
9 Oct (70)
- graves ca no longer be infinitely dug: they spawn bones etc in a similar fashion to ore & wood (but more common since grave tiles are rarer, and in any map)
- added emerald as req ingred to existing bone necklace bonecrafting recipe
- added sapphire & ruby bone necklaces to bonecrafting
- clear potion now always restores a bit of mana, rather than sometimes restoring it randomly
- added calcium to bonecraft
- added cloudy beverage to bonecraft, req bottle, caclium, clear pot: a drink that cures bleeding, disease, poison and heals like a clear pot
- beers now only half as filling
8 Oct (63)
- (alpha server) fixed / tweaked the way a pet is buffed up when tamed (non dragons only) (basically drastically reduced hp such that the lvl 75 pet is abt the same as a dragon, dmg 7d7, as 50) - but expect a better pet revision some time in future, this is something I kinda tweaked then abandoned
- when pet evolves, if any of its new stats are worse than old stats the old stat is kept (this is important considering the above)
- swamp boots min skill now 25% + can be made from tinted hide
- added belt to tailor, min skill 30% + can be made from tinted hide
- added belt of regen to enchanting, min skill 80%
- can now use vermilion on u/a gloves of attack +5
- DM can now dynamically reload crafting table
- can craft gold nuggets out of 100gp
- added craftable mini artifact 'Inferno hand wraps' to 100% tailoring: u/a gloves VF, +5, MR 2
- added craftable mini artifact 'Snakefang grips' to armourer: venomous chain gloves, str+10, dex+10, def+3
- added a menu option to disable background noises (such as fountain)
- added bone quill to bonecrafting
- bone tools (now quill, fishing rod) 3x less likely to break than plain
7 Oct (50)
- aimed shot does 1.2x damage (was 1.5) but wounds for 3 sec instead of slows
- spray n pray only shoots 3x now, was 4
- greatly decreased speed of shortbow, longbow & crossbow so they do more dmg+ rage builds faster .. shortbow is still fastest and crossbow is nearly slow as musket, so your choice: but I don't think shortbow rage builds fast enough
- new pet spell "pet attack" : pet attacks target & taunts it (only works on evil aligned) - available at 'special abilities' at the uni
- pet "guard mode" leash-range increased to 3 ... (it will wander a tiny bit further)
- got rid of the corpses in Bayside
- when you look at quest item on ground fixed 'owned by' bit
- fixed meditation @humility shrine giving you the warning about not levelling up here when you have levels to spend
- fixed rad cookie actually sating your hunger (even if it was just a little)
- updated Malcom's quest over text for Bandit Camp to reflect actual reward given
6 Oct (40)
- full screen map (default M key, mediation key default moved to N) - existing players will need to manually bind a key to show the map !
- added scroll of mapping (to drops only, it won't be added to inscript or shops) - fills out your minimap
- crystal ball has chance to reveal whole map
- all regular crystal balls now 'fade' (for a while) when used (to give a good vision) to prevent overuse
- bill gives 3x yellow pots for his first quest (was 3 brown)
- cows now have a limited supply of milk
- rebuilt euo with allegro 4.4
- which fixes the alt-tab breaking ESC bug .. maybe fixed ESC not working after assigning to hotkey?
- when you are cleaved the message is in red
- added a message for when poisoned by swamp
- spray and pray cooloff 1.5sec (was 0.5)
- headshot cooloff up to 1sec (was 0.5)
5 Oct (28)
- reduced the delay between fishes from 7 sec to 4
- rogue gouge is up to 3 sec for mobs (matching shield bash)
- road warrior town humanoids give gp
- rotated the hoe tile to match orientation of other weapons
- deconstruct arrows now giving logs again (was mistakenly bones)
- fixed tile scrolls of FALSE & TRUE
- hit alt-d to drop from your inventory sorted by weight descending
4 Oct (21 Chgs)
- default bind level for vamps set to the graveyard, though probably no one noticed that this wasn't the case
- mining: now similar to woodcutting where it only bumps your skill to a certain level depending on the material mined. It is still pretty quick to 80 though (rarity of silver and blackrock slows it down)
- tweaked ore spawn rates (non plain ores more common)
3 Oct
- drop (d key) now supports multi-drop
- removed multi drop from view inv
2 Oct
- mediate cancels repeat cast / use / make
- fixed lucern hammer tile overlay
- heal/cure all purchase now cures bleeding/wounded
- glass armour now only reflects 1/2 damage - lmk if nerfed too hard, this is under development
1 Oct
- KVX dragon now hangs around for 60 sec, KXC demon hangs around for 90
- weapon skills now fast 1.5x (on NG, as a trial)
- tactics up 1.5x
- inscription up 2x
- mining down 0.5x
- enchant 1.5x
- healing up 1.5x
- reading an ID scroll bumps item lore
- fixed another couple of combat crashes
29 Sep
- when logged into armoury, your latest 7 played chars are shown
- found another spell reflection crash (in spray+acid)
- can now /bind (res and town portal) in Bakyre
28 Sep (published)
- added new map 'x x x x's Test of Strength' in Apoc new Sosaria
- fixed bunch of crashes related to damage reflecting armour
- fixed void mephits' incorrect spells
- glass armour no longer reflects pvp damage
- sigils work again in arena maps (I don't know why they were disabled)
- updated 'adamantium trans apparatus' to not require some cursed mats (not sure why they needed to be cursed in the first place, design, not a bug)
27 Sep
- added carpenter's hammer & saw to provisioners
- fixed basement on PD/NG having full visibilty (how can you grow yr shrooms otherwise)
- Foveaux now flagged to give an ear
24 Sep (u)
- Desert snipers rarely drop muskets (the new musket, which is slightly faster and does tiny bit less dmg than vintage musket)
- 1 rad coin drops from every boss in Apoc maps
- Mani Por Tym immunity only lasts 30 sec for mobs, but also extends to players so they can't get spammed by mobs with MPT
- silver armour now reflects magic damage (from undead only still)
- fixed an ancient crash with reflected damage
- you can buy glass armour from Fort Grunthos II - glass armour reflects damage in the way silver reflects, except vs all creatures - prices are in rad coins
- added glass medium and heavy armour to drops
22 Sep
- finished off Road warrior town
21 Sep
- fixed beholder's BVOG such that it actually does damage now (it was using the enchant formula)
- beholder has been beefed up a bit
- spawns both devils and gazers
- devils he spawns are now epic squared devils , the gazers are epic cubed
(NG only testing)
- slowed sanctity gain rate 2x
18 Sep Moa 1.3.20 (108 Changes)
- vampyric drain is now a 0 mana spell (same CD) - so starving vamps w/o rage can now feed
- added shift F10 for repeat AFK casting
- fixed Sardor not giving correct 'work' reply to start his first quest (sometimes)
- soulStealer gets +3 leeching added to its list of effects (to offset IMJ dropping)
- got vintage enchanting working again (but you can't have it yet)
- added new artifact off hand 'Mark of the Beholder' (rune, +20 int, +regen, +health) (THANKS 1/Richard!)
- added new artifact off hand 'Rune of the Beholder' (rod, +20 int, +mana, +health)
- fixed special mobs beign marked as boss but not as strong as boss (eg potentially anything in blood mino halls?) - similarly these mobs can no longer be large (ie 2x2)
- fixed some problems with boss names that give ears
- completed random map 'Lair of the Beholder' accessible in Apoc new Sos
- unlocking a tiny bit more of Apoc New Sos, including 'shrine of x x x x'
17 Sep (97 Chgs)
- quest items that start on the ground (such as cowwy's cheese) now always spawn in a map but can only be picked up if the player is on a quest (and when they are picked up a copy is given and the item stays in the map)
- Eye of Kat quest is back to being 'pick up item'. Sergent Slaughter is now just an ear boss, and you don't have to kill him.
- fixed looking at gi torso : now 'a gi torso'
- increased imp & frost and ice mephit's loot value
- in Anathema, swapped the ladders orientation leading from outside to underground
- fixed being not able to share tile with party member who had a furniture item avatar (such as lavafall)
- can no longer hide when sharing tile with any non player creature
- mythic offhand items that are not shields or weapons grant +2 def
- random (treacherous) caves should always have at least one fountain
- fixed offhand sling making gun sound
- fixed offhand sling not consuming ammo (it wasn't synching to client)
- fixed recticle sticking to wrong enemy when cycling
- fixed recticle sometimes not showing up with activating it
- fixed Glen typo + added missing corpse to the morgue
- improved message for monk specials fail with wrong equipment
- new chars get 5x id scrolls
- can now buy training up to 75%
- can dip armour (not jewelry) into fountains
- added a simple confirmation message for pulling a lever (thx keighn)
- diamond weapons now do damage to targets as if their defence is 0 (thx seph/onyxt) (no change to staves)
- added [AFK] suffix to /w command for players idle +5 min
- added auto screenshot to capture player death on PD
16 Sep (75 Chgs)
- vermilion can be used by enchanters with 80% on any +5 weapon to embue it with Vas Flam
- tactics bump rate increased by 1.5x
- added destroy sigil scrolls to inscription (req 50%)
- Flam Grav scales to stats on NG
- werewolves can now use Charge regardless of weapon skill in u/a
- fixed NG stat gain formula so it doesn't grind to a halt around 700ish
- added stats to player profile on armoury
- added gold and silver rings to tinkering (req 75 and 80%)
- fixed armoury not showing clan for player on reg
- put NG skill cap up to 350% for non humans, 425% for humans
15 Sep (65 Chgs)
- deleted check when dipping weapon gets enhanced it exceeds your requirement limit and unequips (also fixed bug where it unequips your weapon even tho you dipped another item)
- fixed some pets with default names not getting xp
14 Sep
- when a mob with a barbed weapon hits chance you will get Wounded
- when a mob with a venom weapon hits you be poisoned
- when a mob with vamp weapon hits they will restore hp
- when a mob with addled weapons hits there is change you become confused
- artful dodger has visible weapons
- added new artifact Magebane +7, IJO scimitar
- added orb to tinker: req 90%, 10 raw glass
- buckets can break (except blackrock ones of course, but where will you get one of those?)* added heroic / epic Kodiak's Test of Strength
13 Sep
- added eggs to armoury news updates list
- added player level to armoury who's online
- fixed: when use essence on item to make it mythic it preserves the ownership of the item
- added better fail message for /nameitem
- named quest items (such as flower) now glow purple
- deleted most of the random NPCs in the Sandy Valley pub
- added Vas In Mani Jux - aoe soultrap (lvl 7 magery)
- added quest npc in the Sandy Valley pub (gee I wonder what the quest is ???)
- added dm command /unlearnspell
- added Main Gauche IMJ to the glass coin shoppe (10 glass coins)
- added IMJ enchant to drops
- bloodbolt now does 8d8 dmg (was 6d8) and does 4 bounces (was 3)
- added HP and Mana (maxes) to the mini status lines when equipping items
- party list on NG does not include level numbers (ie the (1) after the name)
- locks in the jail are now pickable (except the player jail cell)
- phase anomaly end bosses should just be normal bosses, not weaker
- fixed stacked fountains in Dead Forest
- undead using grappling hook no longer get 'strangled' message
- feel great from fountain may now occur if have stat bonuses (eg from EU) but if it does it will override them and possibly lower them
- shield bash no longer requires a fighter weapon, just 50% in block and a shield
12 Sep
- bone armour pieces confer +5% hp per slot, plus up to +5% hp per slot scaled to necromancy% (so up to +10% per slot if 100% necromancy)
- added boneweave material
- added boneweave cap, boneweave robe to bonecrafting
- added bone ring, bone necklace to bonecrafting
- added bonecrafted skull dust of blinking (same as cyan pot)
- added bonecrafted skull dust of phasing : you blink + become invis for 5 sec
- added bone fishing rod to bonecrafting
- bone fishing rod 50% less likely to break, plus also gives chance to fish up bonefish
- eating bonefish gives protection for 10 min (and feeds of course)
- added belt tile
- added heroic tangled forest
- when Soul Transfer target dies the sfx are cancelled and the caster can move freely
- fixed hail of bones FX drawing when change level
11 Sep
- stealth speed increased for low dex chars
- traps and locks skill gains s/b much faster (using 'new formula' used by crafting)
- added belt to armoury paperdoll and equipment list
- magic amp wand now adds +1 def to plain armour items (works on belts)
- magic amp wand gives +1 def to plain gloves (was +1 attack)
- made banner an offhand item (was a weapon)
- fixed hail of bones bringing the caster out of hiding/invis with the ongoing DoT dmg
- charge now works with any non-ranged weapon (inc fists)
- charge now reqs 40% in the equipped weapon skill (up from 25%)
- added a couple of more fortunes (there are 100 now total)
- bonecrafters can make ammunition at 40%
10 Sep
- stealth walking bumps about 2x as fast
- stealth walking no longer brings you out of hiding if walking too fast: rather, you just walk a lot slower and never leave shadows when walking
- press shift-h to leave shadows (or attack , etc)
- fixed a bug with gnomes with 100% stealth: the attack after backstab being delayed (maybe no one noticed but I did after changes above)
5 Sep
- readded drop item command
- default key for potions is back to P
- default key for drop is D
- werewolves can now eat raw monster meat
- cloning a player werwolf will spawn a wolf clone, not nonwolf clone
4 Sep (u)
- fixed summons with weapons showing their names
- can now hide infront of pets, good npcs, etc: only fails infront of evil mobs
- successful backstab bumps stealth
- ng necro summons are scaling to your statpower (equivalent level)
3 Sep
- added bonecrafting knife to tool drops
- added bonecrafting and butcher knife to tinkerer craft list
2 Sep
- 2x boss weekends
- staggering xp/boss bonus weekends across pd and reg so every weekend has something on
- fixed epic goblins not attacking
1 Sep
- client no longer shows as/damage for shields (just AS now)
31 Aug
- reverted roof tile back to walkable
- added blink blocking tiles around rooves in Lunacy, tho you can still get onto the roof
- added full no-blink to castle brownthorne
30 Aug
- glass coin gold light sets are now boiled
- fixed 'Dye Shoppe' Npc keyword buy not working
- fixed kyrss typo
- (armoury) fixed links to players that entered tournament on news section
- leeching weapons / bloodkin perk now stack properly
- fixed some void/darkness problems with snowy island
- updated teleporter puzzle in mountain pass south
- fixed blink/region issue in Haunted forest
- roof tile now blocks movement, fixing a lot of blink problems
- made Nordhaven lighthouse and Desert tower no-blink
9 Aug (patched 1.3.19)
7 Aug
- upgrade wands can apply a regular (non-mythic) tint to weapons/armour/sigils
5 Aug
- disable char creation server option
4 Aug
- set up pvp server
4 Jul
- mobs that give ears have orange names
23 Jun Etc
- quest tinkering
22 Jun
- scripted npcs can have ! and? symbols (eg scav hunts)
- added dm command /search for looking for item and mob codes
17 May
- kraken tweaks
18 Apr
- fixed npc with sling playing gun sound
- hid Freddy fee collector till next tournament
17 Apr
- orcasaurus fossil is placed in inventory instead of ground
- once completed that quest you can then make orcasaurus burger any time with cooking
- fixed lunacy entrance (was water)
- necro's 4th and 5th summons now scale to caster (so nerfed lowerlevels, but much stronger for higher) - may tweak again
14 Apr Moa 1.3.18
- added new helper quest in Izumi to get newbies to the library
- NPCs with quests have ! and ? above their heads (WoW style)
9 Apr
- carved skull offhand item (req bonecrafting, made from skull, can be used in offhand and WoT'd of course)
8 Apr
- necro summons scaling tweaks
7 Apr
- kills by pets and summons (and even party members (as long as you did some damage)) will get you quest kill credit.
- fixed a couple of npc conversation lines
- fixed half a bed in Kurzmordmar
- can now smelt using tinted braziers
26 Mar
- low dex chars walk a lot faster, but not quite max speed (req patch)
24 Mar
- mages summons give 50% xp to caster, up from 10%
- khaki pots are now 4x more common (same as blank orbs)
- necros get up to 80% xp from their summons, up from 50%
- fixed necro bonecrafting skill rate ... now increases much more quickly (it was set at the slow rate)
- hexblades is now a 10/90 str/dex build! THAT'S A LOT OF DEX - email me egg@swut.net if you want a free respec certificate for your necromancer
- added bonecrafted belt item
- wearing your bonecrafted belt item grants the necromancer +20% HP max (at 100%necromancy, linearly scaled down when necromancy is less) (hint: it is the bone material that adds the HP bonus, not the belt, but currently only works on the belt slot because I am lazy, but don't expect every slot to give a HP bonus, eg your bone ring of NV!!) (also prepare for a belt 'expansion' in the next 5 years)
- new Necromancy spell 'Ritual Sacrifice' Corp Mani (death health?) : cast on a corpse to get a +50HP buff for 30 mins (cast on a corpse on an altar for a slightly better bonus!) - circle 4, from the same NPC: but if you already have FGC then you will get it automatically
- soul transfer: only works once per mob, and only works when mob's HP>50%
- Hail of Bones now works on water (the mimic helper is now a crocodile ^.^ )
22 Mar
- statbox weapon 'speed' is now in actual milliseconds and should be quite accurate (REQ PATCH)
- fixed (relapsed) bug : trusight no longer reveals AoEDoT helper mimic
- can't cast hail of bones on a target you can't see
- rod of power: replaced WoT+WoP req with lightning rod+orb of power
- philosopher stone only req 1 khaki pot now (down from 2)
- bone material: any bone weapon equipped grants +10% dmg to spells
- added 4 bone weapon recipes to bonecrafting: bone krys,athame,sickle,stiletto
- hail of bones+corpse explosion now scales to caster INT
11,12 Mar
- fixed necro summon slot bug
- fixed tegan pacifist lycan cure quest bug
- fixed death by corpse explosion not giving loot
- fixed couple of book typos in I, golem pt2
6 March Moa 1.3.17
- necro live stage one
?? feb
- worked on necromancers
- deleted all code pertaining to item wear & repair (finally, 4 years or so after it was disabled)
- need 25% in equipped wep or be wolf for rage to increase (it's a neatness thing: so you don't get a big rage bar when you can't use it)
- clarified some of Merik/Tiel's conversations
14 Jan
- activate tile lua support
13 Jan 2015 Moa 1.3.16
- disabled powerlevelling xp retardation for low level players
- fixed apoc phase mobs having no spawners in the phase anomaly
- added item owner to look message (when applicable)
- hopefully final treasure chests in phase anomalies may be less inclined to be stuck in void, but it is still theoretically possible (there is a 2nd chest-tile finder that is more flexible if the first fails)
- clear pots have a 1/4 chance of restoring mana as well as hp (same way as mana pots work)
- added some walking / tile space around estorrath in his phase anomaly
- fixed alternate Mon Ferrato entrances
- fixed/removed the water in middle of rez area in Shoreline
- fixed hole in ground tile for discovered caves
- morty's farimond dungeon fix
- skeletun immune to lasting sickness, but will still vomit if overeat or eat tainted
- skeletun vamps can eat corpses again
- fixed Theresa ref to Foveaux ring when haven't killed him