Talk:Miscellaneous Skills
From EUO Manual
At the moment, when you hit a monster with quivering palm (and that monster gets the "q" status), only if you are unarmed AND unarmoured will the criticals hit. For example, if I am wearing a shield or a single piece of non-unarmed armour, after I hit a monster with quivering palm and it gets the "q" status, I still cannot cause any critical hits. Is this a bug or the way it is supposed to work?
It works as intended. Anyone (with no weap or ua wep) can inflict status. But
only means that the tgt has an increased chance to receive crits from an unarmoured u/a-wep attacker. Attacks from anyone who is not unarmoured inflicts crits at normal rate. --Eggmceye 21:48, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
Got it, thanks Egg.