Updates in 2012
From EUO Manual
Latest Updates
29 Dec
- possible crash fix (wrong index in party list update)
17 Dec
- updated existing client with music and options for turning off shadows and splat damage
- started aux box lua client support
9 Dec
- client any res rewrite started
8 Dec
- mp3 music
7 Dec
- finished smooth scrolling (not moagl)
- wall shadows (not moagl)
- moagl updated with menu+keybinds
- option to swap G and shift G actions
- decreased base new player speed by 100ms (ie it's faster)
- roar is a combat message (which can be switched off)
- added player levels to party list in statsbox
- fixed scavenger hunt typo
- you can now use wolf form as a vampire (bug fix, it was always intended)
- fixed crocskin boots level req
- fixed XMP mana & cooloff (reduced to level 5)
1 Dec
- started smooth scrolling
26 Nov
- splats and magic effects now show actual damage dealt (and taken) on screen
- newbie island updates
13 Nov
- new map feat type 'res-square' - res a player at full hp but doesn't make map bindable - used for newbie island only
- added res squares to newbie is+dungeon
- remove code that stops mobs attacking lowbies in non pvp areas
- When dead spam alt f1 message to Resurrect
- no res sickness when below pvp level
- send 'res f1' msg when die
12 Nov
- newbie island Max tweaks
- fixed a mouse bug where you could scroll a list by clicking adj to your av
9 Nov
- armoury player page consolidation / revision
7-8 Nov
- eggs, scars, chives
5 Nov
- newbie island fixes
- scrapped the annoying newbie island popup and replaced with a standard message down the bottom
4 Nov (
- completed instance visitor timing
- fixed f12 not working when dead
- expanded blueprints so that you can craft nonbasic items with them
(todo - add makeblueprint code function to items)
- added blueprint items blackrock mining pick, blackrock shovel, blackrock axe - all of which never break, but are soulbound
- force fields with custom maptiles show correct name when looked at
- added LM's Sagittarius map to Maeondir: 36, 61
- fixed maped crashed caused by poor handling of low res & lots of palette items
- maped t key now not shows black palette if no tiles to show
- maped config feature: if put autosize=1 in maped.cfg and use windowed mode, maped will try and open a window almost as big as the desktop
- tiles in terrain palette that have transparent bg displayed correctly
3 Nov
- added load_instance_%03d lua hook
- sigils in chests now unidentified
- started instance timing limitiation (or something)
2 Nov
- sigil drop tweaks
1 Nov (0.99.9)
- polished off keyboard changes, updated manual etc
- added some basic sigil drops
- shoppe cheap monster av fix, thanks Josh
23-24 Oct (pre3)
- more keyboard, blueprints, sigils updates
- slighly darker colour lower lines for item stats
- using white stone on weekly maeondir will open a portal to Nordhaven
- binding spell to key unbinds all other keys that that spell was bound to
22 Oct (pre2)
- binding to items/spells does not erase action keymap but just overrides it
- added option to disable block messages
- shift-fkey is for binding wordspells to f keys - overrides use item->direction if item bound to f key
- binding item to key unbinds all other keys that that item was bound to
13 Oct
- Daren's sigil system
- added ctrl+f12 to toggle fullscreen
- dead can no longer access inventory / bank
12 Oct
- blue print requirements for certain recipes
8 Oct (pre 1)
- added more reserved keys
- moved keymap.cfg to dat
- when filtering with / use ctrl+d to toggle drop & shift+ctrl+d to drop immediately
- get error message when trying to bind to ctrl, shift or alt
- bound move keys work for scrolling inv - and if they coincide with filter key then that key is disabled (eg L for leg slot)
- item list shows what letter item is bound to
- can now bind items to ` - = [ ] ; ' , . : and keypad * - + .... hopefully this covers most keys on non english keyboards
3 Oct - More Multi Drop / Keybinding / Menus
- you can bind items to the A-Z keys by hitting alt and a-z in any of the item menus
- menu access via f12
- added ignite / extinguish key (default i and shift i)
- not allowing mapping one key to multiple functions
- fixed bug where garbage text was being shown when binding
- fixed shift-d remebering qty
- fixed shift-d dropping toggled items - shift-d now cancels bulk drop
- shift-d won't ask for qty if only have one item
- added error message for dropping readied item via bulk toggle
- better networking for multi drop (fixes 2 second error)
26 Sep - Vamp Fixes
- fixed binding reset problems to kurnisgburg
- added vampire to sizeup stats
- disabled any benefits to meditation in sunlight (if vampire)
- mobs that are bosses or immune to glassing are now immune to vamp drain
- vamps get +2 nightvision
2 Sep
- options menu
- did most of total key-mapping
1 Sep
- fixed bug with shields of slaying not adding dmg
- fixed: removed leeching non-wep drops
- can polypile 3x crafting materials of +1 and above into one +2, etc - eg 3x veno ingot of def+1 into 1x veno ingot def+2 - has restrictions of course
- codex of infinite dimensions - see Nestor in the library
- wand of petrification removed from adamantium coin shoppe
- greater wands of petrification and transferrance added to the adamantium coin shopp
-- greater wand of petrification will create as many statues as a monster has animation frames -- greater wand of transferrance works like a normal wot, but does not require a shard or enchanting skill, and has double the chance that a wot has to retain the item bonuses
31 Aug
- finished vamps
- codex of inf dims, no quest yet
20 Aug
- finished AI hacks for scripted factions
- can tinker cloth into mesh
- leeching: now leech a little mana from spell casting, and leech a lot less from melee
9 Aug
- all hours merch option for the vamp towns
3 Aug
- vamp quest
- scripted custom alignment for mobs - not working for pets and needs more testing
26 Jul
- vamp quest work
- quest hacks to make a quest giver (eg foveaux) killable
- good aligned vampire NPCs will hide during the day
25 Jul
- newbie island reworking: creatures no longer passive but less of them, plus there is a newbie quest to complete
23 Jul
- fixed monster names fleeing etc
- fixed clones not having correctly cloned weapons
- took out half of the chests of the vot & valor shrine treasure rooms
- treasure chests now respawn at a much lower rate - the better the chest the slower it respawns
- fixed a bug with leeching+x gloves where the +x wasn't adding any value
18 Jul Moa
- ready box now shows your stats so you can see them change as you ready/unready items
- only UA shield off attack adds to magic damage
- open/search now works on the tile you are standing on
- scavenger hunt gem requirement changed to body parts
- respec certificate can now be used to /respec2 - which as well as letting you rejig your stats, strips 38 levels which you an remed at versatility, or wherever
- horn renamed to shadow horn
- added base UA shoe 'sandals'
- added Ironfist sandals
- tranquil/sanguine/adept/apprentice lesser arties are now based on the UA sandals
- added snake & crocskin boots of str & int to the glass coin merch
- fixed portal animation in moagl 2d mode (too hard basket 3d mode atm)
- added MR to medium & light armour
- medium head/torso slot items: 20mr - medium leg slot items: 10mr - light head/torso slot items: 10mr
16 Jul
- fixed another couple mythic bugs
- mobs can equip weapons and they are visible - however it's cosmetic and has no effect yet on AI or damage they do
- monster blood item
15 Jul
- scroll of galvinisation no longer fully heals
- fixed philosopher stone spelling
- mythic imbued item nolonger s/b
- better low-skill fail message when using the facilitator
- fixed mythic not showing on armoury
- when using facilitator, it will fail if there are more than just the required ingredients (so the extras are not destroyed)
- fixed some problems with WoT
- plus you can now WoT slaying onto shields
12 Jul
- fixed Old Sam & his gremlin quest in Tangled Forest
- updated rewards for all of the first 3 town's guard quests - including silver coins to spend on newbie artifacts
- finished mythical crafting
- fixed bug where MR from weapons (eg walking stick) was not being counted
- crafting ingred list is back to one item per line, max 12 ingredients (which covers just about everything)
- fishing now about 2x as fast (as in the cast->reel time)
- shields & orbs with +AS/dmg now actually add damage (magic & normal)
- reagants now drop
11 Jul
- weekly: not rebuilding continent if there is no winner & wipe (it really only just needed rebuilding just this once since it was gammy)
- you can only get beer from polypile if you are a dwarf
- added support for leeching & enchanted weapons to polypile
- fixed chests tinting like regular items
- items left behind on weekly should decay faster, and not decay to 'no owner'
- crystal shields and jewelry can now drop
- tint rarity changes: diamond & BR more common, crystal MUCH rarer
10 Jul
- finished glass coin merchant & lesser artifacts for sale
- new trailer park - down near the shrine of Justice SW of izumi - it has a more gridded placement system and should fit 36 homes
- house deed borders reduced - you may yet be able to squeeze into a spot in the existing trailer parks
- fixed moagl names not centered in 2d mode, book colours
- fixed moagl fullscreen toggle being really buggy esp in 2d mode
- WoT can now transfer slaying off/onto gloves & jewelery
8 Jul
- scripted merch support (to make adding massive glass coin armour lists easier)
- mythic bit/tint - +10% dmg for weps, +2 ac, +1 MR for wearables
- MR is calculated on per item basis
- MR is shown in the item stats box
- glass has a visible tint (like a light blue/green)
6 Jul
- glass coins armour list added
5 Jul
- sin vrall sceptor soulbound
- scavenger hunt npc part #1, rewards to be added
4 Jul Moa
- polypile weapons & armour (excludes leech, ench but includes named, fixme)
- dm can look inside player chests
- steel shields add a bonus to block & mitigate damage (same value as copper)
- you can disable the IVPY/quake effect by putting dont_show_quake=1 in your client.cfg (thunderclap still shows however)
- weekly pd: if no winner, rebuild the continent & random maps even though not wiping everything
- got moagl working again
1 Jul
- fixed charge bounce
- disabled strength req for equipping items
- added grey bits to all weapons & armour so that tints show
- fixed client not showing artifact armour tints
- fixed (hopefully) client health bars going black when overflowing
- all chars get +25 load capacity
- added vigour line to stats display
26 Jun
- grappling hook now drops (also quest reward no longer sb)
25 Jun
- started putting in old polypile but gave up when lua returning Item object crashing
- addy coin purchases are now logged for market research purposes
24 Jun
- added detailed stats for when you look at your pet - includes monster type, hp, MR, Int, perks, spells, etc
- dropped gold on death will now decay
- newbie dungeon update - made easier, added signposts, scrapped Hydra's Island which was my least favourite map
- search will not attempt to auto open if chest locked
- redid the phantom spawners in Goblin Crypts
- brown pot now lasts for 5 mins, improved lasts for 10 mins
23 Jun
- cross server global chat
- tweaked item decay / maps unloading to make them reset more aggressively
- monk trainer only spawns when fighting unarmed
- monk masters can't stone form when chocking or asleep
- uncursed all permacursed braziers --;
- made ignore and global off work for cross chat
- searching a untrapped chest will automatically open it
- added pet intelligence wand - bumps pet int by 20% - craftable by enchanters, ingredients: essage rage, ench wood, brilliant blue shard. Skill req 82.
- pet const wand: replaced bril blue shard req with bril red. Moved it's skill req to make to 60.
- added improved pet INT and pet HP wands - available at the Cashe Shoppe - they again just add +20% but they stack on top of the crafted wands.
- all pets can now level to 75
- fixed Tristin's neg xp bug on PD ... XP is now capped at 2,147,483,647 (2^32/2-1)
21 Jun
- wearing a spiked collar will make throat strikes against you ineffective
20 Jun
- weapons now have a maximum effective +9 even if they are labelled as being greater than +9
- hell cat's OG replaced with VOG
- changed Freezing wind dmg to 3d8+int/15 (it's now more influenced by INT)
- frost mephit's GP replaced with Freezing wind
- fixed some black tiles in Mountain Pass
- added new orb artifact 'Eye of the Beholder' (pray it doesn't shatter! didn't test that XD)
19 Jun
- mob range now copied to each mob, not referenced from the db - for lord morty
- fixed sanctity title bug
16 Jun (not Uploaded)
- fixed a bug where house signs weren't getting saved
15 Jun
- improved pd death logging: added account name, and also saved by stone log entry
6 Jun
- fixed a crash related to long named items
- VEU can drop on weekly now
5 Jun
- added VEU to the trainer in bucc den
- allow tomes to go beyond spell id 0x7f (needs patch - then add VEU drop to weekly)
- meditation on lava with dragonscale boots now regens mana
4 Jun (
- added mage spell VEU (lighter load) - adds up to 300 carrying capacity
- jewelry of attack now improves damage given as well as AS
- fixed named items (with spaces in names) not appearing on ground
- fixed named items in merchants/chests
30 May (
- slowed default client turn based delay to 200ms
- turn based speed client config option turn_delay to override default
29 May (0.99.8)
- cursed named weapons glow red
- fixed new style named items naming when size-up, on ground, transitions, etc
- fixed wishing well fortune typo
- fixed Leeroy incorrect quest message
- VM cooloff on NG fixed at 7sec
- thunderclap para up to 4 sec (from 3)
- shield bash para down to 3 sec (from 4)
22 May And Others (
- added /nameweapon and /nameshield command (scrapped /nameitem)
- improved item descriptions in stats area for named items and artifacts
- lotl players can now buy the smooth cut file, and buy stuff from the addy coin shoppe
- Willard's quest now req's Jacob, not kyle's shopping spree - for the LOTL players
10 May
- fixed a couple of food desc typos
- fixed 'bought the cursed training' message
24 Apr
- named item certificate
- moved /nameitem to command but need a way to name armour etc - needs patch to make non weapons glow. Added merchs, etc
23 Apr
- evict dm command to empty a house of items and chests
18 Apr
- new 32x32 bin tile --; still needs work around the edges
- continent midi number is 2 (not live tho)
- not showing charlist for alpha on player page
16 Apr
- scapped / rolled back 2h weapon speed increase - it didn't do anything to dps
- fixed berko stance giving +25% damage increase instead of increasing damage taken --;
14 Apr
- fixed the saving thing with new named items, thinking about tint priority
12 Apr
- added shield bash - paras mobs for 4 sec, players for 2, 50% block required, req 50 rage
- added dm_takes_damage server parameter
- nearly finished new style named items
- make named item priority over artifact (so you can name artifacts and they glow purple)
10 Apr (untested)
- started putting new style named items in
- berko stance: now +25% damage taken too (it has to balance, not just improve)
- all 2H fighter weapons 25% faster regardless of stance
- tactics reduces damage taken by up to 25%, scrapped the +2 def from it
- thunderclap now does 75% dmg per hit (up from 50%) and stuns mobs for 3 sec, while target players are confused for 3 sec (unchanged)
- shield users with block skill take reduced magic damage
2 Apr
- reduced machete base damage, increased speed (it nerfs backstab but it's still best backstabber)
- nerfed mani a tiny bit
- adjusted clone spells (for magrock)
- added beserk stance for fighters: +25% attack speed increase with 2H weapons
28 Mar
- compressed mini maps files (NOT LIVE)
- dps testing x.x
26 Mar
- allow multi logins from 1 account to allow for pet xfer betwen alts (ie dual logins)
- dual logged chars are stuck in stocks, ie hopefully useless
- taking damage from sunlight, lava etc does not add to combat cooloff, and thus does not force you to stay logged in 10 sec after you quit
- fixed pets called Huge Crab getting Huge Crab's on-hit abilities
- fixed green potion typo
- fixed aspects
LOTL improvements:
- woodcrafter can make alchemy bench at 55 skill
- also scrapped the alch bench requirement of the cure quest for all servers (you can still do it optionally but there are no clues, just say bench)
- added egg to turkey drop
- LOTL character using deconstruction wand gets 2/3 chance of full ingredient returns (up from 1/3)
- added oil, flour, sugar & salt to chest loot on weekly pd
10-17th Mar (for 7drl) 0.99.7
- turn based setting, fast movement for turn based
- client auto loads and connects to a local host
- server quits on empty when loaded by client as localhost
- option for random dungeon regen on every level change ...
- option for random dungeon regen on new player created
- server option to set player logged off reset time or disable it
- changed hard coded 'gold coins/pieces' messages to soft config
- up to 10 midis, 0 is intro
13 Feb
- player vampires / skeletuns no longer immune to XMP
- chest names are now max 17 chars to allow for the maximum player name length of 15
- fixed Giant Squid Shoreline typo
10 Mar
- added tyler's Anathema map (+heroic) (it's on an island in Maeondir (18,72) - added heroic Valley of the Trolls - added epic Mountain Pass - added 5 of akyla's (and tyler's) mini bosses (more to come)