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(Other Programming Helpers)
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===Main Contributors===
===Main Contributors===
* Lord Mortiferus
* Extell has made a lot of original tiles including: many items, werewolves, goblins, the demi lich, golems, imps, and over a dozen new player avatars.
* Extell has made a lot of original tiles including: many items, werewolves, goblins, the demi lich, golems, imps, and over a dozen new player avatars.
* Morthwyl - many many player avatars
* Morthwyl - many many player avatars
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===Other Graphics Contributions===
===Other Graphics Contributions===
* Dolus: more player avatars
* Dolus: more player avatars
* Grunkk: the skeletun avatars
* TheOneGuy: dwarven avatars
* Djanno: player avatars
* Djanno: player avatars
* Sharingan & Sakura: monsters and player avatars
* Sharingan & Sakura: monsters and player avatars

Revision as of 12:58, 21 February 2013

Design & Programming

Max Breedon (eggmceye): Producer, programmer, drunken dictator

Other Programming Helpers

There's currently semi secret squad of development helpers - secret only to just about nobody and secret only so they don't get hassled. Previous helpers below:

  • Tyler - LUA scripting for bosses
  • Rusty - LUA scripting for map gen, utilites & bosses
  • Odin Jensen - helped me out a long time ago with some MFC and other stuff
  • Extell rewrote fishing in C++ a few years ago but it has since been rewritten in LUA and expanded and revised


Hosting is generously provided by David Schmidt of Fusix. Thank you David.


Many of the land, building, monster and player tiles were created by Joshua Steele and are used with permission. They're from old and new versions of his replacement tileset for U4. Many thanks to Joshua - see http://moongates.com.

Main Contributors

  • Lord Mortiferus
  • Extell has made a lot of original tiles including: many items, werewolves, goblins, the demi lich, golems, imps, and over a dozen new player avatars.
  • Morthwyl - many many player avatars
  • eggmceye - yes I have made a lot of avs and tiles of dubious quality

Other Graphics Contributions

  • Dolus: more player avatars
  • Grunkk: the skeletun avatars
  • TheOneGuy: dwarven avatars
  • Djanno: player avatars
  • Sharingan & Sakura: monsters and player avatars
  • Keighn: always making stuff
  • Lurid: minotaurs
  • There are probably more I've forgotten

Also worth noting is that EUO uses the Allegro graphics library: http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/allegro/.


Many players past and present have contributed maps to EUO. The complete map credits can be found on the Map List page. Special thanks to Catherine because without her efforts, EUO would be simply just an engine.


egg and Kybare. Broden made the Xile quest & maps.


Mostly borrowed from various sources, with some original sounds by egg.


Intro music by egg, world music by Solaris. Solaris don't exist anymore but one of the guys from that band and egg's oldest friend lives on in Margins


Egg, with help from everyone working on this mediawiki. Patrick Kyba has helped with the (as yet unreleased and probably outdated) DM manual & Catherine has a Guide to Maped.


Thanks to Tarun for recommending Innosetup and getting the ball rolling and Dj Lizard for maintaining the installer for a while. (Egg now does the installer.)


Thanks to anyone who plays, reports bugs, suggests ideas and who hasn't been banned. It all helps!